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Making An Impact with Aaron Young
I’m honored to have our brother from another mother, our great friend, and one of my closest friends, Mr. Aaron Young joining us from the opposite side of the United States.
It’s great to be here. You’re at the Atlantis. It’s a great hotel. If people have seen the ads on TV or whatever, you always see the big royal tower in the ads. They have several other towers that were all owned by Merv Griffin, a super successful businessman if people don’t know that about him. He’d put the hotels together and then the South African guy came and put up the Royal Tower. Put in all the aquariums. I remember the first time I came there. I walked in the main lobby. It’s all open and expansive. There’s a big huge marble spinning thing or whatever on the columns. You walk down the stairs to that big wall. It’s looking into the lost city of Atlantis.
I thought to myself, “I didn’t know that people could build something like this.” It took my breath away. It blew my mind. I’ve been there several times and spoken. It’s my largest audience I ever spoke to, which was they said, 5,000 people. There was a lot of people and they were in the dark. I had spotlights in my face. It was that the Atlantis. I had a lot of fun experiences there. Nassau is a great place. There was a time in my career when I talked to Michelle and contemplated moving to Nassau or to New Providence.
I’m speaking to a group of real estate investors here. I’m here for the Mr. Landlord Retreat that he has every year with his investors. Jeffrey Taylor is a good friend of mine. He does a lot in South St. Louis. It’s a little bit warmer in here than it is in most of the country. We spent all day traveling and arrived finally at the hotel after sundown. We got settled in and got a bite to eat. We came back to the room. I haven’t even been at the beach yet. We will be in my hotel room, but there’s a loudspeaker at the hotel right next to us. We’re not in the main tower. We’re in the other ones.
You’ll go in there. You’ll go through and all that. You’ve probably been there before. It’s worth wandering around. I’m not trying to give a travel log for the Atlantis. I know we’re on the Note Closer’s Show. I will say this for anybody that gets a chance to go there, whether you come in on a cruise ship, and they’re going to go into Nassau or if you’re staying at one of the hotels, including the Atlantis. Between Paradise Island where the Atlantis is and Nassau, which is right there, there are two bridges that cross a waterway, one-way traffic on each one.
Right along that waterway, there are all these little shacks and they can be a little intimidating if you’re scared of people. It’s a little intimidating to go down there. You go down there and ask them to make you a conch salad out of the conch shell that people blow. Ask them to make you a conch salad. They’ll take the conch out of the shell right there and get all the onions and the limes and all this stuff. They’re mixing it up with a big machete knife. They’d put it tied up in a bag and the longer you leave it in the bag, the more it’s going to burn when you eat it. It’s not at all. I go and get ceviche in a restaurant when they make it up fresh right there from stuff that came out of the water. It’s a freaking awesome experience. Make sure you don’t only eat in restaurants. Make sure that you go see the local people. You see where the locals are hanging out. You’ll have a better experience.
You’ve traveled to some places. I’ve traveled to some places. It’s the fun thing that is a great perk of what we do. The biggest thing is when we go to speak, you and I both have a very big part to try to help leave a legacy for people and helping make a big impact on people. That’s part of what my discussion here in Atlantis is about leaving a legacy a little bit. You wrapped up your Inner Circle mastermind. We were talking about stories about people coming back. You talked about how they changed their lives.
They had a five-year plan retirement with their spouse and then will do it in a year and a half. Another one has raised millions of dollars and had so many deals coming to him because the fact is that they’ve surrounded themselves or been a part of a great mastermind. Last time we talked was all about expanding your tribe or being part of a mastermind. This duck-tails up very nicely because if you do leverage relationships or come in with an open heart to share and willing to absorb what others around you, you will not only be impactful to your wife but impact others around you.
The old expression, “Most men live lives of quiet desperation.” They feel the stresses of life. They see all the bills. They’re trying to do a good job as a parent or a spouse or a friend or a child of aging parents or whatever. They’re quietly struggling through life. They hunker down. There’s nothing wrong with that. The reason there’s a level of desperation is because the world feels bigger than them. It’s pressure on them. A lot of times people can feel very alone in that situation. Most of us who are going through some real big challenge, we may not want other people to know about it. We may think, “If I talk about it, people will think I’m dumb or people will judge me harshly.” I went through a prosecution right with the federal government and went to prison.
I know all about feeling concerned about judgmental impressions for people thinking I’m a bad guy or not trustworthy. I get it. When we hold it inside, we struggle and feel desperate and have anxiety and stroke out young. When we can combine with other people and share it, we find out there are a lot of commonalities. You might get that at a club, at a church, where you’re in with a group of people and you share each other’s burdens. You can take it to a different level and work with people who are not trying to commiserate all the time but trying to dramatically change the outcome that they’re having. That’s what we get in these groups that we go and we join. Scott and I both run groups like that. I’ve been a member of a number of groups like that. I don’t know how you would characterize it, Scott, but I feel like I’m in a mastermind group that you started, that we all met in December. It was about business opportunity, but we all came together and shared ideas. That’s what a mastermind is. It utterly shifts your perspective on the planet when you get around some other people who are doing maybe something different but on the same level as you.
You start talking about best practices and find out how you can work together. Pretty soon you go, “I can’t believe what a great year I had, how much better we did in business.” Because we met new people, we made new friends, we created new alliances. We learned better ways of doing things. That’s why we get together in these mastermind groups. At the end of the day, the reason people join the mastermind is because they know that their life can be more significant. They want greater significance. They come to our company to Laughlin because they’ve been working a W2 job. They want to start their own business or they want to start a side hustle beside their W2 job. They want to build a company. They want to do it right. It’s interesting how often they want to use their children’s initials in the name of a company or name it after one of their kids or they want to say, “How do I deal with the stock so that whatever wealth we make here can go to my family or go to something that matters to me, some cause that matters to me?” if they’re single. People want great significance in their life. That’s what they want. You’re going to be talking about leaving a legacy.
At some point, you can only have so many toys, go on so many airplane trips, stay on so many hotels, drink so many fancy bottles of alcohol or whatever your thing is. At some point, you go, “That has lost its juice for me. There’s got to be something more significant. I’ve done all this stuff. Will anybody even know about me? Will my grandkids even have any idea of what I did?” Frank Shankwitz, Founder of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. That was his dream. He was retired from there. Greg Reid, our mutual friend, who introduced us, asked Frank, “What’s your wish? You’ve been making other wishes come true?” He said, “I want my grandchildren to have some idea of all this stuff that I did. All these things that happened in my life.” Greg Reid took that bull by the horns and they made a Hollywood movie about Frank’s life, which hopefully will come out. We’ll all get to see the fruits of it. Here’s a guy who had done all these great things, but what he wanted was his grandkids to know that he’d had this diverse and interesting life. He wanted to leave a legacy.
There was a saying, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” I disagree with it. I think he who dies with the most toys probably lived a very lonely life. You look at Richard Branson here. I was talking with somebody about he owns a Hawaiian island or something like that. He’s got a lot of toys. He also leaves a very big impact on the world with what they give back at Virgin and the different charities he’s a part and things like that. That’s a statement. It’s a little bit of what we do here with buying distressed debt and helping borrowers stay in their house. Like Make-A-Wish is a great big event, a big organization helping thousands and thousands of kids and people every year that are terminally ill or facing illness, things like that.
You mentioned something about how we all at some point feel the weight of the world on our shoulders when we’re either in our low. At some point, it all comes down to is that we have to stop trying to dig ourselves out of a hole. Quit thinking like what we know is going to work to dig ourselves a hole because a lot of times we dig ourselves deeper versus looking around for somebody to help pull us out of that hole, help give us a rope ladder up or get a hand to help pull us out. That’s what’s so big and very impactful about the groups that we’re a part of because we all face adversaries.
There’s a saying that says, and I’m paraphrasing, “You can’t use the same knowledge to get you out of a problem that got you into the problem.” You have to become a different person or you have to align yourself with people. Let’s use what you and I do as an example. You buy distress note or I buy distressed debt. The banks or whatever hedge funds, they bought a portfolio. It’s not performing the way they wanted to. They have their advantages for them especially if they’re publicly traded to get it off their books. They’ll dump stuff at pennies on the dollar or at least dimes on the dollar to let somebody like you come and take the risk. You can renegotiate it. It’s all math and capitalization rates and all that. At the end of the day, you also have the human stories of the people that stay in their homes, the people who named their child after you. I love that story about that because you’re making an impact on their life. I don’t want to disclose any of the details about what it is, but somebody came up to me at the mastermind, multiple people did but one is sticking out.
The person is going through a real challenge. All I’d been trying to do was be aware of it and be mindful in how I said things in front of this person so as to not rub salt in a wound. This person came up to me at the end and has subsequently written to me and said, “You have no idea how important it was for me to be there, how much of an influence you have on me, how much your caring about me and my family has made a difference and so on.” I’m completely oblivious to this. Right in front of me, a few feet away, somebody is being impacted. Those people will think, “We’re going to lose our home. Where am I going to live? Our credits all screwed up. We won’t be able to get another place.” You come in and say, “Let’s renegotiate this deal.” All of a sudden, their kids get to stay at school. They get to keep their job. They don’t have to be homeless. That would happen to some people, they would be homeless. Not everybody has a great safety net of friends or family that can take them in. It’s a great thing. We do this stuff that’s not very interesting at face value, form a corporation, form an LLC, do minutes and resolutions and help issue stock.
We do all this tactical stuff that needs to be done for someone to have a properly organized business. Most people are doing it but the ones that work with us and get it done right so that they’re truly protected. The thing that doesn’t seem very sexy when you’re in the middle of doing it. It doesn’t sound as cool as Facebook ads, make money selling on Amazon, get rich quick flipping houses. It doesn’t sound as sexy as that. Let’s do your corporate resolutions. However, the people that come to me and say, “I’ve got the government contract because everything was built. I got into the car accident but I didn’t lose my business. I lost my home. I lost my savings but they couldn’t take away my company. I still can take care of my family.”
When I hear stories like that under terrible situations or celebratory situations, I go, “The work I do makes a difference for tens of thousands of people, even if I’m not hearing the stories.” That’s part of a legacy. A part of a legacy is owning something that’s going to outlive you. I’m the third owner of Laughlin Associates. In 1971 according to the corporate record book is when we were started. We always say 1972. That’s when our marketing started. The company was formed in ’71. We’re in 2019 now. That’s 48 years. Hundreds of thousands of people that we’ve worked with. Somebody will own it after me. What am I doing to be a good steward so that people look back on my time and go, “That guy was a good leader of this company for his employees, for his clients, and for me as the new owner? I didn’t inherit a mess.” These are now the things that drive me now that I’m in my 50s is hopefully I’ve got another 40 years to go, even 30 would be awesome.
You’re never too late or too young to start changing things and start making an impact and leaving a legacy. Specifically, if you’re looking at what you do because a lot of times it may not be a thousand people. It can be one person, like one entity at a time, one person at a time with us, if it’s one borrower at a time, the way we look at all that we buy. A lot of times with both. I think back, we’ve had several borrowers who we bought the note from. We negotiate with them, help them out, who became students later on. You know what I’m talking about. We forgave $120,000 in debt. Let him walk from my house that he bought with his best friend for about a month of negotiating back and forth. He’s not a bad guy. It’s a bad time with everything that happened in ’08, ’09 and ’10. He reached out to me after googling to find out who was this guy that bought his mortgage. He was brave enough because it can be stressful. He picked up his phone and called me out of the blue. He goes, “This guy gave this number on video. I’m going to call it.”
He called me and said, “I’m that guy that we talked about six months ago. I’m not a bad guy. I’d like to learn more about what you’re doing.” I’m like, “Let’s figure this out.” We invite them into an event and he ended up joining our mastermind at that time. That’s because things have changed for him. His dad joined. He’s gone on to help a lot in buying not only a lot of debt but also developments. He also started another podcast. We’re talking about my buddy, Robby Woods. I can think of also the other people that have gone out and done things. I think about how many people Robby has impacted not only with the debt he’s bought and modified, forgive it but then also with the podcasts they did for a while when they rant with the Note MBA. Think of all the other people along the way that they’ve impacted. That’s what I want everybody to realize. Your one connection away from having a major impact in your life, but also the major impact that bounces in life too because you never know who you’re going to talk to.
Scott, as you’re saying all that, something else occurs to me. There are going to be people that pass through our lives that maybe we end the relationship not in the best way. I can think of the fellow that was the catalyst for me ended up going to prison. He went for longer. He did things that I wish he hadn’t done that got us all in trouble, and I don’t want to do business with him anymore. We’re not like pen pals, yet I look back on how I learned a number of good things from him. I read a bunch of great books that he recommended. I traveled around with him. I had good experiences with this guy. Even though some of those things led to a need full separation, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t make a real impact on my life. I’m going to tell you it’s a corny little thing.
During that time, my wife and I were invited over to his home, him and his wife at Christmas time. We always thought she was the bomb. She was sweet, awesome, smart, a traditional mom, had raised eight kids and she was wealthy. I remember she gave us the salad bowl. It was a wooden carved Manzanita wood salad bowl. During the worst part of my relationship with him, she contracted cancer and died. Every time, which is a couple times a week, when we pull the salad bowl out, I think of Marie. I think of what a great person she was and what a good example she was. There was another legacy. It’s encapsulated in this wooden bowl that is a constant reminder. It’s a little thing. As a matter of fact, the day she gave us the bowl, I thought, “What a weird gift.” They gave us a bowl. It’s one of the most treasured things in our kitchen or in our house because there’s a lot of meaning caught up in it. What was the example she left for us? What was her disposition through challenging times? How did she do things? Even going into death elegantly, she’s a great example.
It’s hard to feed the world from an empty cup. This thing is empty now. If I’m trying to say, “Here, share the last little drop inside the cup,” people are not going to get very satiated. If I go out there and do my work, do a great job, fill the cup and it’s overflowing. You can feed everybody from that wellspring. The best way to leave a legacy is by going out and being as successful as we can at whatever it is we want to be. It can be money success. It can be being a great Little League coach, I don’t care but be the best you can be. If you’re a loser coach, people don’t listen to you very much. If you’re Bear Bryant or Belichick, because you’re a winner, they will listen to you more. It doesn’t matter if you give the same advice. If you have no evidence to show in your life that you’ve experienced the success that you’re trying to teach about, people will discount it. When they said, “Fiddler on the roof,” because when you’re rich, they think you really know. People will listen to people who are successful. If you’re successful and have something good to say, you can let that message reverberate way out. It will echo out there. It will ripple.
That’s the main theme also too. I was asked to give a video on the impact of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. I’ve asked if I could do it on Outwitting the Devil. That is one of my favorite books of all times.
Everybody should read this book.
Napoleon Hill had a conversation with the devil asking what makes the devil successful. In the book, he talks about the devil, “I’m successful because I give all these distractions to people. I keep throwing squirrels, internal distractions and things like that.” Squirrels versus those people that are the most successful, the ones that are the most focused, they go, as you said, “Fill their cup up and then fill the world up with goodness. That’s what makes the most impact out there.”
This is a guy who understands legacy. He’s a brilliant guy. He got his PhD in Nuclear Fuel. He’s a Nuclear Fuels Engineer. He worked at NASA. He built a big real estate empire. He became the top check cashing business in Florida. They had operations all over the place. He owns a company software he developed that works with big, big companies, who were doing data transfer from one platform to another. He’s a smart guy. He texted me and he said, “This came to me and I wanted to share it with you.” He and I send these little thoughts back and forth. I loved what he said too much. I said, “Do you mind if I quote you because this is brilliant?” He’s like, “Yeah, if you want.”
Here’s what he said, “When you talked about being distracted, all the squirrels, success is forged in the fire of unwavering focus. Recognize that failure most foul is not the lightning in the storm, but the raindrops of distraction seeking to fritter away your attention and time.” I’ll give credit. Hugh Stewart, a brilliant guy, a dear friend, one of most interesting people I’ve ever met. His thoughts come out in these little elegant and eloquent statements. I always love it when I get a chance to visit with him because I’m a better person when I hang up the phone. You’re so right though, Scott. People fritter away and then they look back and go, “Why did I waste my time?”
That’s the truth that we all look back and you can’t take any of the toys with you when you pass on. The one thing that we all want to do is be remembered by how we helped the world in one form or fashion. Whether it’s helping people with their corporate documents and making sure everything is safe for them or they’ve got their corporate protection or you’re buying a note and helping to create a win-win-win; a win for the banks, a win for us but more importantly, a big win for our borrowers that we work with.
I’ll give you a great example of what you talked about. We formed corporations. We do corporate compliance. We do it for you. It’s tremendous services. Our clients love it. We have a higher renewal rate. It’s a great price. We do a great job. We’ve been doing it sneaking up on 50 years. In the course of doing that business, I’ve heard a lot of interesting ideas about how people want to leave their wealth behind. That legacy, that letting my children and grandchildren, great-grandchildren know that I existed and I care about them. I care about them enough to do something. I’ve seen a lot of cool things. It’s not mega wealth but a successful company. They sold it. They were able to leave several million dollars behind. Not mega rich but also not the ones that are drifting. Instead of distributing the wealth out to their family, what they did was they put it all into a trust. The trust had one job. The trust responsibility was to put on a great family reunion every other year. As the corpus that the money that was in trust sat in investments and grew. First, they were doing modest things when this first started. They’re going to a campground, paying for the campsites, buying the hotdogs, hamburgers and badminton set.
When I found out about it when I was working with a child or a grandchild of this wealthy individual. They said, “You can’t believe what they do now.” They fly everybody into some great location. They said, “We’ve had carnival ride set up. We’ve been on safaris in Africa.” It pays for every expense for every member of the family. Here’s the deal, all these cousins, as they grew up and they start having their families, they might lose touch with each other or maybe siblings are squabbling with each other or whatever. If you want to come on a vacation, you’re all going to be there together. If you’re going to have fun and it’s going to work out, you’re going to see each other and resolve your differences and be there. You’re not just going to walk away with your $50,000 inheritance. You’re going to have family stuff. Maybe for some of those people, it’s the only vacation they get. Maybe they don’t have any real money. When they come here, they go, “How cool was it that grandma, grandpa thought about this?” That is so freaking cool.
There are a lot of ways to leave a legacy. Ralph Waldo Emerson talked about if you had a successful garden patch or you helped make a child laugh, then you lived. You mattered and you left a legacy. The thing is, are we being intentional about what we’re doing or are we skating through life, drifting through life as the devil wants us to according to the book? Are we drifters or are we awake and intentional? Drifters probably will leave little or no legacy. That’s almost everybody walking around. They’re going to die and pretty soon it won’t matter. What does the Michael Moore’s song say? They say you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave and the next time is the last time somebody mentions your name. I always thought the day of the dead was a stupid celebration. It had been prostituted into a stupid thing and then I saw that movie with my grandkids sat there and bawled like a baby. That makes sense. Let’s not forget the people that came before us. That’s another way of leaving a legacy.
I want to share it with people. You think about this. Who do you call on a daily basis? Who do you talk to? Sometimes it’s talking to people saying how is their day going. Talking to the person next to you on the plane. Talking to the person next in line, is there anything I can help you? How are you doing? Simple things make a big difference. When we checked in here, the lady asked to wait about 45 minutes for the room to be available. I was like, “Okay.” I slipped her $20 when she’d walked over to the bar to get us where we were sitting at, “Thank you so much. This means so much.”
While it didn’t mean much to me, I was excited to get my room after a day of flying. I walked out, she was like, “Hi, Mr. Carson.” I’m like, “Okay, great.” When we go over here, things like that impacts because now she’s smiling. She’s probably in a better mood. That’s the thing you have to realize. We have so many people in our day in day out and smiling and saying, “Hello,” often is the first way to leave a legacy. First, to help brighten somebody’s face because we’re all going through frankly things. We’re all going through different emotions like that. If you’re thinking about that what’s one way that you can help impact people, whether it’s your borrowers or your vendors or the people that you’re working with, your clients, what’s one way that you leave an impact to people? If you think of something, I’d love it if you guys would share this on Facebook and the comments, we are watching that, or drop me an email at Scott@WeCloseNotes.com and leave it. You can go to iTunes and leave a comment there or on Stitcher leave a comment on this episode with one way you’re looking to leave a legacy and making an impact in 2019 and we would love to share that. If there’s any way we can help out, that’s what we’re here for.
Aaron mentioned something about this mastermind I put together. I brought in ten of us basically. We spent a day and a half going through things and each other’s businesses. I brought everybody in to basically say, “You’ve got a lot of expertise in our marketing. How can we help leverage our relationships and our expertise with everybody out there, help you guys grow, help other people purchase some bible, to help the Hazzards grow and the Whites grow, to help Merrill Chandler grow?” It was great seeing everybody come together with that same mentality. We’ve already blossomed for the year and we’re doing some great things.
One of the things, Scott, that I love about what you’re doing, you always think bigger than yourself. You’re always thinking about how to include people, what to support. You’ve got a very giving spirit. It’s the thing that made me immediately like you is watching you be up in front of a room, being silly the first time I met you. It was pretty dramatically silly with the coconuts. There’s also the little fairy costume, whatever.
I became the Angel investor for the weekend ahead of that. Sharon Lechter was the first one to come to photo with me.
Whose name is right there? She was the one who handed Outwitting the Devil by the Napoleon Hill Foundation and wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Three Feet From Gold and a bunch of stuff. You’re going to attract your energy. You’re not being embarrassed. You’re getting out there and having fun, being a leader, being comfortable in your own skin, teaching great content. People are going to be drawn to that. People care about how you can help them. They might celebrate what you did for somebody else for a while, but the people want to be in some way impacted personally. Maybe from something as simple as reading something you wrote or listening to a quote that you gave or Steve Jobs, one, a commencement speech that he ever gave. How often is that quoted? By putting yourself out there where somebody else can benefit from your experience is part of a legacy. You never have to meet them. You’ll never have to exchange money. You’ll never know. I was speaking somewhere, which you and I are both somewhere all the time. A man walked up to me and he said, “I wanted to thank you for the Facebook Lives you do with your wife.” Michelle and I at that time had been doing Facebook Lives for about a year. We did them every Monday.
Usually in the Facebook Live, a little thing I would say three people are on or eight people that are on or one person is on, zero people are on. People come in and out of those things we’d end up with hundreds of views. They’re in and out. I said to Michelle on multiple occasions, “Is anybody even watching this? Does this even matter?” This guy comes up to me, sharp guy, happily married, but he said, “My wife and I love watching those things. Another lady came up to me that I didn’t know and said, “When 1:00 on Mondays comes around, I tell people I have a meeting. I close the door of my office and I watch you and your wife.” You mentioned Tracy Hazzard was at our little group. The way I met her was she walked up to me as I finished a presentation at a big conference. She walked up to me and she said, “All week long, I’ve been listening to you and listening to your voice and going, I know him. Where do I know him from?” She knew me from my podcast. She’d never met me.
She said, “I’ve listened to all your episodes. I’ve listened to them all the way over here on our drive.” We can be touching people that we may never meet in a way that will help them in some little way at some moment in their life. The only way you do it is by showing up and doing the podcast, do the Facebook Live, do the Note Closer’s Show. The only way it’s going to happen is by doing something where you’re not hiding out from the world, but you’re saying, I have something I can teach. I’m going to teach it. I have something I can do to help. I’m going to go do it. I’m going to go out and swing a hammer for habitat for humanity or whatever. I’m going to go do something. I’m going to go help these cats as Stephanie does. Maybe some people don’t think that’s meaningful, but for some people it’s incredibly meaningful.
Literally walking through some of the restaurants outside, this orange tabby she sees out of nowhere. It’s like cat radar. They’re not skinny at all. The cat was well-fed. I’m sure she’ll be back in there.
On a tropical island, there are lots of rodents. There are lots of people. There are lots of trash. Don’t take me back and stick me in your house. I’ve got the whole freaking island.
It’s a good analogy. Sometimes it’s the impact. A lot of people are so worried to be themselves, to live in their own skin, to laugh to make fun of themselves and realize it’s okay. You don’t have to be serious at the time because you’re not missing out. Maybe when you’re serious and saying something that leaves a message to people. It’s okay to laugh. We always don’t have to be too serious. I got you to laugh, to cry and to be serious. We’re awesome.
People are afraid sometimes of doing it wrong or embarrassing themselves. They never let their message come out. That flower that blossoms and lets everybody enjoy it because they’re afraid that they’ll do it wrong or they’ll embarrass themselves or the saddest one of all is they believe they don’t have anything to say. It’s not true. Everybody has a message. You don’t have to be doing a podcast or a videocast like Scott does. You don’t have to hold masterminds. You don’t have to put on events. You don’t have to be a world-class speaker. You can share the things you’ve learned along the way. It will make an impact on somebody else. When you keep it to yourself out of fear or embarrassment or insecurity, the whole world is going to suffer a little bit.
I think that’s a good transition before you get here is don’t be afraid to open up. Don’t be afraid to share. Don’t be afraid to leave an impact on one person at a time. Go out and do something impactful and make it a daily habit. It can be something simple. You never know how the impact is going to ripple across or as Aaron’s word, reverberate across the cosmos.
Scott, I appreciate it. I’m going to add one last thing. You said that so beautifully. I want to say something else. There’s something about to leave a legacy takes consistency. When we first started talking, you said, “Is it too noisy or is there too much activity in the back?” Be willing to do something that may seem imperfect at the moment because there are lots of reasons to have excuses to not do something. Scott is a great example of not making excuses, but to keep doing it. It’s why people follow him because he’s a great example. It’s a legacy he’s leaving. I’m going to keep teaching. I’m going to do what I’ve promised. I’m going to show up like I said I would no matter the circumstance. There are people that are going to be looking for it. I love that about you, Scott. I’ve seen you do things in a lot of different circumstances and I admire it. Get your ducks in order. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid to go out and do it even if it seems like it might not be perfect.
Thank you. I appreciate that. As always, thank you so much for being such a big supporter here. If you’re an entrepreneur and you do not have your ducks in a row, go on over to LaughlinUSA.com. Check it out. They’ve got an amazing program to help you get your ducks in a row so you can leave that long-term legacy. Check out CorpVeilProtection.com or LaughlinUSA.com. Aaron, as always, thank you. Give our best to Michelle and the whole family.
Good luck with your presentation and enjoy Atlantis. If you’ve never been there, try to find a way over there. It’s a fascinating destination. It’s a great place. Take care.
Thanks. We will be working to have another episode or two while we’re here in the Bahamas. Stay tuned for future episodes. Once again, thanks for tuning in. Go out and make an impact. We’ll see you all at the top.
Important Links
- Mr. Aaron Young
- Mr. Landlord Retreat
- Make-A-Wish Foundation
- Think and Grow Rich
- Outwitting the Devil
- Hugh Stewart
- Scott@WeCloseNotes.com
- iTunes – The Note Closers Show
- Stitcher – The Note Closers Show
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad
- Three Feet From Gold
- LaughlinUSA.com
- CorpVeilProtection.com
About Aaron Young
Aaron Young is a renowned entrepreneur with more than 30 years experience and several multi-million dollar companies under his belt. Aaron has made it his life’s work to arm business owners with success formulas that immediately provide exponential growth and protection. Fully embodying the concept of the unshackled business owner, he inspires others to do the same by empowering them to build strong companies while proactively protecting their dreams. Connect with Aaron at www.aaronscottyoung.com.