EP 552 – Overcoming Obstacles And Playing At Your Peak With Patrick Precourt

NCS 552 | Playing At Your Peak

NCS 552 | Playing At Your Peak


On the surface, achieving goals may seem like it’s not something you should be giving thought to: it’s a mechanical, automatic response to something you’ve already conditioned yourself to attain. But the truth is, goal-setting and achieving those goals require a lot more than just sitting down and envisioning them – even if that is a crucial part of the process. Patrick Precourt is an industry leader in personal development coaching, marketing, business development, speaking and influencing. Patrick joins Scott Carson to discuss how you can overcome your internal wiring to dominate your new goals. It’s time for you to start playing at your peak performance.

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Overcoming Obstacles And Playing At Your Peak With Patrick Precourt

I am jacked up. I hope you have everything tight or your socks tied down because I could not think of a better way to kick off our first episode of the New Year without having on an amazing guy who is an advocate of change and making change take place the right way out there. He’s worked with many real estate entrepreneurs over his background in the last decade-plus out there. This guy is an amazing individual who’s got a huge heart. He likes to punch life in the face and punch it in the mouth out there. You’re going to get some great stuff and wisdom from the mouth of not only a good friend of ours, but somebody that we reach out to whenever we are dealing with issues and things like that. We loved to bounce ideas off of and he became a great friend over the last few years. He’s the man, the myth, the legend, Patrick Precourt.

That’s cool welcoming there. Thank you for that. I’m pumped as always to be here. You and I have done this in the past. I always look forward to coming back because we have much more life experience in between each one to filter through what we already know. We’re going to bring some cool stuff to the table.

We’ve got many people across the world from looking at our numbers over the last few years since we’ve been having a show. Patrick, why don’t you share a little bit about you, who you are, your background before we dive into the knocking life in the mouth? 

I’ve been in the real estate space since the late ’90s. I cut my teeth on as we built our big business around.  l love it and I will not be in real estate because it’s in my blood. You know what I’m talking about. When you got it, you got it. We then got into real estate education space. It’s been a good part of many years in that space. It then evolved into personal development space but it’s behavioral space. There’s a funny way to describe personal development. When I say personal development, the first thing we think in order for me to need personal development, there must be something wrong with me. That’s not true.

What’s true is that we’re all awesome, we can all always get better, we should get better and need to get better to fulfill our souls. That’s true. We can’t sit on our laurels and this is a funny thing about this discussion. It has nothing to do with what level you’re at or what you think you’re at. We get caught up in comparing you and me what I have or what you have, what I don’t have, and all that stuff when that is irrelevant to the discussion. The only part that matters is which way we’re pointed and which way we’re heading. That goes back to that old cliché that it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. That is true in this discussion.

It is the journey and the people you meet along the way as Charlie “Tremendous” Jones said, “Years from now, we will be the same people except for the people that we meet and the books that we read.” That dives into developing ourselves on the personal development side. What I’ve found interesting is everybody’s like, “I’m glad 2019 is over. It was a horrible year.” I’m like, “Things aren’t going to change for 2020 unless you do something to change that.”

Let’s start there. This will bring us down a cool path. Here’s the thing. The year 2020 is no different than in 2019. The air, the people, the room you’re in is the same. Everything’s the same. I’m being honest. Nothing’s changed. Let’s not trick ourselves into thinking that for some reason it’s different because it’s not. Let’s start with this. This is nothing new. We’ve heard this since when we were freaking 2-feet tall. In order to have something that we’ve never had, we’ve got to do something that we’ve never done. In order to do something we’ve never done, we’ve got first to become someone we haven’t been. Be, do, have, that’s the process. The challenge is we try to skip all that.

It was like, “If I could only have, then I would do, and then I’d become.” If I only had the money, then I could do this work and I’d become a happy person. I only had this great relationship. I could do all these amazing things and then I could be grateful you’d become. It truly is exactly the opposite direction. The second we focus on the have that we haven’t done to become, we don’t have the skills to implement the do in order to deserve the have. Before you and I jumped on, Scott, you asked me, “How’s it going?” I’m like, “It’s going awesome. The world delivers to me everything exactly to the degree that I deserve it all the time, good and bad.” That’s how this universe works. If we have a starting point, it’s not about having.

This is the perfect time we’d had this discussion. This is where that idea of New Year’s resolutions and goals comes into play. The two most common New Year’s resolutions are based on finance and fitness. The two most common New Year’s resolution is I want to lose weight and I want to gain money. That’s how those New Year’s resolutions work. For you to think for a second even that you can go out and lose 20 pounds over the next four months and becoming the same person you’ve been, you are sadly mistaken. If you think you can double or triple or quadruple your income in 2020 is the exact same person you were in 2019, you are sadly mistaken. You will be let down quickly. Here’s a part of it though that gets us even earlier, we know this. We already know that nothing’s going to change and that’s why by the end of January, beginning of February, most New Year’s resolutions either have not begun or have already been quit or back to the same old 2019.

Playing At Your Peak: We are all awesome, and we can, should, and need to get better in order to fulfill our souls.


You said something good about we attract exactly what we deserve, whether it’s good or bad. We attract a lot of the imageries. We attract success by the people we hang out with, our day-to-day activities. You get out what you put into the whole thing. If you’re not working out, you’re not going to lose weight. If you want to make more money, you’ve got to put in more deals. That means more due diligence or more marketing versus sitting around watching the ballgames that people have been doing. There are many different facets to that aspect of it. What’s your best counsel when it comes to helping people find a way to make the most of the New Year to get closer to their goals than they were a year ago?

That’s a great question. It always starts with awareness. Step one of awareness is coming to terms with exactly where you are. It’s no better, no worse, where you are. This is ground zero and understanding that what got you here will not move you any further, which means something fundamentally has to change. You take on marketing. We use marketing except for some people. They go, “It’s time to market.” They immediately turn into a full visceral effect in our body that defaults to a negative emotion that they’re going to lose money. Marketing is losing money. Therefore, their reaction or action to that emotion, thought, decision, action or result is to take no action. No marketing goes out or reduces marketing or a half-ass effort at marketing, but they don’t go all in. If we think we can change that, the answer is we’re going to be sadly mistaken. To answer your question more specifically once we get past the awareness is to understand our emotional responses and what triggers our actions.

Let’s bring it through a sequence here. Let’s say, Scott, do you believe that the way you feel affects the way you think? Do you believe that the way you think affects your decision-making? Does your decision making-affect your action-taking? Does your action-taking affect your results? Of course, yes. We have a direct connection between the way we feel and the results we get in life. Our emotions, the feeling is directly responsible for the way we experience life. Until we get to that core level of change, nothing changes. How do we do that? One is awareness. When I say, “What’s your budget for marketing this month?” Some people cringe right up because there’s an emotional response because there’s a connection between marketing dollars going out, spending, losses, pain, failure, all that stuff overwhelms them and they’re shut right down. It’s getting down to that core level. Do you want a different result? We’ve got to take a different action, but we first got to become. We have to have a different association with that. It’s becoming aware.

This falls under the topic of emotional intelligence. It’s first becoming aware of the emotions that serve you and the ones that hold you back and managing them. You put it in a play to change that, which we can do. When I say, it’s simply by design or it takes a committed intentional effort. You come to me and say, “Pat, I got in an accident the other day.” I go, “What happened, Scott?” You’re like, “It wasn’t my fault?” I already know where we’re going down. You go, “I was getting off these eggs, there’s a lot of traffic, this guy cut in front of me cut me off and I got angry. He’s on the road rage. I gave him the finger and I laid on my horn. I tailgated him and then he checked his brakes. I swerved and I hit the guard rail.”

I go, “Timeout, Scott. What was your desired outcome in that engagement?” At first, you go, “He cut me off.” I’m like, “Did he?” What I am doing is I walk you through a path as we go through this piece of emotional intelligence. One is becoming aware of the emotion and anger is not a good emotion. It doesn’t serve us in any way, shape or form. That’s an emotion you may struggle with. Let’s become aware of it and now let’s recognize what triggers it. Let’s rewrite the path between the trigger and the emotion. You said he cuts you off. You thought he did it intentionally.

You assumed that. You let it owned you and it wrecked your night. Whether or not you got an accident, it’s immaterial because if you didn’t, you still want to walk in your house at night completely upset and angered because this guy got away with something. You would have brought that energy into your spouse and you would have said, “Hello, honey.” It would have to come out with such bad energy. It would have hit her like a punch in the face. She would have responded with a certain tonality, not by intention. She’s matching your energy. That would have triggered you further and before long, you are fighting and your night’s over.

It’s tapping all of us a different outcome. This is how we change how we become in order to do something different or to have something different. If a guy cuts you off again, you’ve gone through this in your head. You’ve practiced this. This time remind yourself that you are by far the luckiest guy in the world because he didn’t see you. It wasn’t intentional. It’s accidental. He didn’t see you and he didn’t hit you. You’re not up in the guardrail or down in the valley. You’re perfectly okay. You are going to get home. You’re going to have a perfect evening. You roll down a window. You turn up the music, you express your gratitude for how amazingly lucky you are. There’s no one as lucky as you are and everything changes. We keep walking through that experience in our heads before long.

We don’t have to think about it. If somebody cuts us off, we’re like, “Thank you.” We’ve changed what happened next. The questions we always have to ask ourselves, “Scott, have you done any marketing as much?” How does that emotion align us with our desired results? Are they moving us right direction towards the outcome we want or are they peeling us off and going somewhere else? That strikes that core to creating change in our lives. Let’s bring this all back to goals, whether they’d be fitness goals or financial New Year’s resolutions. When we set a goal, the goal is not the thing. This is where we get way off-base. If we set a goal, we make it all about the goal, when in fact, for reasons we described, we’re not qualified to receive that goal yet because nothing’s changed.

Let’s use fitness as an example. I want to lose 30 pounds over the next six months. You can do that all day long. It’s not a problem. You’ve got to become someone different than you’ve been so far. You’ve got to be a little more committed, a little more focused, and a little more discipline. You’ve got to change your behavior on working out and what goes in your mouth. All of these things have got to change, but we don’t focus on the behavior part of it. We’re ill-prepared to ever start towards that goal. We focus on the goal but not the behavior required to accomplish the goal. Never do we stop to realize that goal is not what it’s all about. What it’s about is changing our behavior, which creates a new habit and a habit is nothing more than something that runs subconsciously in our life, but here’s the fact of it. Our habits are a reflection of who we are in life. Our entire life is nothing more than a display of our habits. You can look at somebody and say a word to them and fully understand who they are based on what the representing out of the habits that they perform.

Weight loss is an easy one to document. The goal is not losing weight. That’s a way to measure the changing of our habits. If the scales are continuously going down week after week, it means that our habits are being altered, they’re changing. The goal is not to lose weight and be done with it. The goal is to sustain a healthful lifestyle. That’s new sets of habits. Making money’s no different. Making money is a habit. There are things you do, Scott, because you’re good at this, that you do on a daily basis. You repeat and you don’t have to think about it. They’re built in your subconscious and a part of who you are. They’re part of your daily habits that allow you to attract a strong abundance of wealth into your life. That didn’t happen overnight. You weren’t born that way. In high school, you weren’t driving this big badass car. It took repetition and intention. It took ways to measure it, which may have been financial goals along the way, but that was never the desired outcome. That’s a way to measure our progress.

It comes down to having to reprogram your mind, the NLP aspect of things, of what you say and how you react so that you do have a whole different set of responses than what you’re programmed. My trainer always says muscle memory on what we do when you’re doing an exercise or doing a form. In mixed martial arts, you see a lot of this too. When you fall on the mat, you’ve got to do something with your legs or your arms to break the hold of the guy that’s on top of you. That’s the same way we have to approach life. If we keep doing one thing and we keep seeing the opposite result is because we haven’t changed the emotional response to how we want to happen when it happens. I love food. At night when I’m bored in the house, I’m a snacker. I’ve got to get up. I did 1 of 2 things, either get rid of all the snacks or replace the snacks that aren’t good with fruits and vegetables and things like that. I got rid of all the Cokes. You have to have actions but know that the reason you’re not finding the success is because of the actions and the emotions you’re having. 

You use food as an example. Food is an easy one because it’s trackable. Here’s a little weakness that we have. We tend to overestimate our willpower or discipline. This is a little tip on goal achievement. If we’re going to set a goal, you know your weaknesses that by 6:00 or 7:00 at night, I’m brain dead and I graze and it’s my habit. I get it. If that’s the case, then a prudent move would be to create an environment that’s conducive to your success, which means remove the stuff that does not serve you. Get it out of there because as you’re tired and getting ready for bed, its 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 at night when we go to bed, you want that last snack. It’s likely you’re not going to drive out to the store to get it. If it’s right there in that cabinet and nobody’s going even to see as you walk by and take that thing, it’s likely going to happen.

The key to achieving is creating environments that are conducive to our success. Our physical surrounding is one influential environment. Our people’s surroundings are tremendously influential environments. If you want to reduce or quit you’re drinking habits, but still, you’re going out with all your buddies that are always drinking. It’s not only that the drinking, they feel bad about themselves when you’re not drinking. Therefore, they egg you into drinking. We all got those buddies. That is not conducive to your success at stopping the drinking part. Let me share a process of learning. When we talk about goals and then we bring that down to behavior and habits, we have to appreciate the habit side. It goes through the process of learning. We make thousands of decisions every day and 95% of them are made subconsciously automatically. They’re made to our house because our brains can’t handle making all these decisions. It focused on a few tiny amounts of these important relative changing decision-making things that you have to deal with. All the rest is made out of habit.

It’s funny why we wouldn’t want to change like let’s deal with the little 5% of critical thinking and analytical thinking, and think somehow that can overpower the 95% that’s deeply seated in our subconscious. It does not happen. Let’s talk about the learning process. I’ll use my daughter’s driving as an example. She turned sixteen and wants to learn how to drive. I said, “Let’s go drive.” I insist our kids learn on a manual stick car. That put her into a right-hand drive old Land Rover that I have. That’s left shift, right-hand drive to add a little element of challenge. The first thing I do, “Go, start the car.” I’m in the passenger seat. She’s in the driver seat. She turns over the key thing and it lurches forward, which I did intentionally. She immediately went from unconscious incompetence, meaning that we don’t know what we don’t know when we first set out to learn something new. That’s where it starts.

Immediately upon starting the car, a jumping forward scared her. She immediately went to unconscious incompetence. She quickly realized she has no idea even how to start a car. That awareness opens up her mind to learning when we know that we don’t know. This is one of the flaws of kids as they go through the 20s and 30s when they think they know it all, they shut themselves down to learning until we get older and finally realize that we don’t even know what we don’t know. That’s where we’re back to being sponges. We hope in the car and we repeat, stall, teach, guide, and get a little better. We pull up to a stop sign. I’m talking to her through what she’s focusing on. The clutch goes in, the foot comes off the gas, goes onto the brake, stops the car at a stop sign. She doesn’t stall. She’s like, “Dad, I know how to drive.” I’m like, “No, you don’t.”

This is a point where a lot of us fail. We’ve finally achieved it and we stopped the learning process because we think we know it but we don’t. It’s not a habit. It’s not in the subconscious. It’s not automated yet. The next stop that we’re pulling up to as we’re pulling up to let her know the truth here, I engage her with a question, “Sam, when are you graduating next year?” She wasn’t graduating next year, so it required a little critical thinking and in doing so, stalled the car. It took her a little 5% off of what she had to do. This complex operation of timing, foot in, foot off the press, and all that stuff, which is a complicated little operation took that. It didn’t have enough critical thinking left to do it, that when put it into thinking about whether she was graduating, which she wasn’t, stalled the car. I said, “See, Sam, just because you know how to do it does not mean you know how to do it.”

We kept going and after a week later of repetition and now the learning speeds up though. It gets easier and easier and she finally pulls up to another stop. I know she’s got it because I see where she’s at. I asked her again a complicated critical thinking question and she stops the car, no problem, she answers the question. She doesn’t even acknowledge that. She did this without thought. I’m like, “Sam, did you see what you did?” She’s like, “What did I do?” I’m like, “That’s it. You did it and you didn’t even know you did. Your body finally knows better than your mind how to stop at a stop sign. Now you know how to drive.”

When it comes to establishing new habits, that’s where we typically dropped the ball. We don’t give it enough time to conscious effort, deliberate, purposeful, intentional effort, repeat until it’s ingrained in our subconscious so it happens automatically. I taught a lot of couples. You work together as a couple. You know it’s not always easy being entrepreneurs working together as a couple. It’s easy to butt heads. It’s easy not to shut off work. We spent a lot of time on mindfulness and finding quality time together. It takes intention. You take quality time as an example. This is the behavior more than it is a task. Quality time is you setting aside deliberate time where you’re both present in the same room and you are showing up the present, head and feet in the same place at the same time, which takes a tremendous amount of work.

To do that at least once a day, every day is hard until it’s built into the subconscious. It might take 60 days of repeating and I’ve worked through this with many couples before until you guys get it to where quality time is not quantity time. It could be 5 minutes where you guys are energetically and emotionally connected, which could set you up for 24 hours and no problem. That’s all it takes. It has nothing to do with spending a lot of time together. I’m using this as an example. Through repetition, you can train yourself to be able to create this quality time without even knowing. It happens at the right time for it to happen. That’s another example of how becoming so that you could have what you wanted to have in the first place. Those couples who want a healthy, strong, and happy relationship. We’re not into this sort all the time. That’s all, fair enough. It’s powerful stuff.

NCS 552 | Playing At Your Peak

Playing At Your Peak: If you think you can triple or quadruple your income in one year by being the exact same person you were, you’re sadly mistaken.


It also depends on know what that quality time is. If you’ve ever read the book The 5 Love Languages, it’s knowing what that person wants. It’s such a powerful book not just for relationships but also if you’re dealing with clients or vendors or the public trying to get an idea of what is that hot button that they’re going to communicate with. You’d be able to have that quality time and being present like turn your cell phones off, whatever that is that hit that nail on the head so that people are like, “You do listen,” or, “You are present when I’m talking.” Instead of waiting to speak, you’re truly listening.

Here is a key piece and you’re alluding to. If I’m the one in charge of that, meaning I’ve taken responsibility for that, my job is to set the example. Go first, be the one that shows up the way I want you to show up if you and I are doing a face-to-face or my spouse to show up. I can’t be responsible for another human’s behavior but I can certainly create an environment conducive to the results that we want. It’s controlling an environment to get a result that we want. It’s very easy to get you to match my energy in a face-to-face meeting if that is my intention. I have one more thing I want to share with everybody. There’s still a bit of disconnect sometimes between, “What’s next? How do we leave here and create change?”

The truth is we can, but we have to understand a few keywords or a few keys in this process. Think about if we were a transmitting radio, most radio receive. If it’s a VHF, that’s a little different frequency, but we transmit and receive. What we think about would be our transmission out to the world or the universe and what we feel would be our receiving back. In the guru world, we’re all told to get vision boards and put up crap on a wall that we want to have. That’s excellent because if you use it, they become emotional triggers. Typically, we put the stuff up there and then stare at it and be like, “Why isn’t this stuff manifesting me?”

I’ve read the book. I threw it on the wall, why is it not here? 

Why has it not come yet? Why isn’t a boat driving itself into my yard? What happened? It’s funny with anybody to think that could happen, but there are some teeth behind us. We have to add the other two layers. The vision board is to serve no other reason than to focus our thoughts. That’s it. What is it you want? When we create goals, one of the key parts of creating a goal is adding meaning to it. Why? Because the meaning is what gives it a story. That’s where they know like, “What’s your financial goal?” “I want to make $1 million.” That money has no emotion attached to it. There’s no meaning to it until we give it meaning. The money isn’t meaning what the money can do for us. It starts with going down the path of meaning and walking down that path.

We got this vision board and we’ve got all this cool stuff on it. All that does is focus our thoughts. We’ve got to dig a little deeper and understand what does that stuff means to me? How does it matter? This is where we start bridging the gap to the lower part of this triangle. Ask yourself what’s it like to have accomplished that, to be there, and to have that? That’s why I don’t like vision boards being a whole bunch of materialistic stuff. That’s a challenge with almost the people who build them. They’re good in a sense that allows you to focus on an emotional trigger, but they’re not so good if they’re outward based physical things trying to make you somebody that you’re not. It doesn’t work that way.

If we put the right things on a vision board, it might be of your family on vacation somewhere as an example. For me to do that, what’s it going to be like? How’s that going to feel when I do that? What you’re doing is you’re taking thinking and pulling it over to feeling or the receiving side. You’re fully internalizing the emotion that goes along with it. This is where the magic starts to happen. If you think one way, but feel another way, you put a big $1 million bills picture on your board, “I can never own that. I’ll never get that. I’m not worthy of that.” If you think one way and feel another, you’ll still end up with a negative. A positive and negative always work as negative. You can’t beat that, but if you think and feel in harmony then what you put out has a path to come back.

This is where the magic takes place. Thinking about something and feeling about that same thing can alter your behavior. There are only two things that decide what we do, how we think and how we feel. When we think and feel and focused way towards the desired outcome, it alters what we do. Think, feel, act, when we put those three together towards one desired future event that has not happened yet, our body starts experiencing it in real-time as if it already has happened. It does not know the difference which then starts attracting into our life at uber light speed the outcomes that we want. This is the backbone to Think And Grow Rich to The Secret to any of these books you may have heard of or read around thinking, receiving and manifestation. Unfortunately, we always stop at the vision board, look at that, but it’s a process. The more we repeat it, the more it becomes real and the more we can manifest.

I don’t want to get too off-base here, but this is where true meditation comes in. Meditation is nothing more than state control. Putting yourself in a state and people do this backwards too as an example. People get stuck when a bad event happened to somebody’s life, and emotionally traumatic event, and they’ll keep reliving it. The body doesn’t know the difference between having lived through the event the first time and the reliving of the event now. They’ll have the same negative visual effect to it. That same chemical concoction that’s released the first time will get released again and again. It goes as far as they can get addicted to the chemicals that our body produces around that negative bad behavior.

We’re flip-flopping it and bringing it to the other side and saying, “If it works that way,” which it does. Look at people who are abandoned and leave aside clinically depressed because that’s a different space of people. People who’ve been depressed over long periods of time, which doesn’t mean it’s clinical. It means they keep reliving the same crap in their lives and creates this victim mentality about it. We can completely use that to our advantage. Get focused on a future event that hasn’t happened yet. Experience what it’s like as if we’re living through it now. Feel it and let the way we think and feel to the way we act. That behavior is such that we’re acting as if we’re there. This isn’t faking it until you’re making it. It has nothing to do with that. It’s conceptualizing the entire process. It’s a powerful tool.

Sitting down thinking about what you’re doing, talking to yourself, what does it feel like? How do you feel emotionally? What do you sense? What do you see when you’re eating? The habits that are going into hitting those points off can help you visualize that aspect of it and manifest it because it puts you in the right mindset. You start opening yourself up for those positive things to happen and reprogramming your neural network with your mind to be open to it in achieving success.

What would a lifestyle of a note buyer with the amount of $7 million to $10 million net worth in inner notes assets look like? What does their day look like? What does their decision-making look like? What is their behavior each day? How do they take care of their body? What do they do with their family in the morning before they head off to work and school?  What are those? The habits of them are all we’re trying to get teach or train ourselves into. They’re not different people than us. They just do different things. Walk us through to whatever your big vision is or your big hairy audacious goal is. What’s it like? What would you do differently than you do now? “I wouldn’t stress as much.” Stress is a choice because stressing doesn’t change anything. Stress doesn’t make you a better person. It doesn’t make you more alert. It doesn’t make you more empowered. If you wouldn’t stress more then why do you stress more now? You can change that.

“I’d be happier.” Happier has nothing to do with finances because there’s nothing money can do for you that will make you happy. A perfect example is there are many that have chosen a life of poverty but are the most fulfilled, at peace and happy people that walked the face of this earth. In our death by our definition, you live in a state of poverty. How is that? They didn’t have to wait for the money to make them happy because they realize that nothing out here is responsible for that choice. It is a choice and that all comes from within.

What if you have to experience, let’s say it takes five years to get to where you want to be financially. That’s 60 months, I get it. If you got to do those five years and you know it’s going to be working, it’s going to be a grind. It’s going to be highs and lows, would you rather do it happier or would you rather do it stressed and full of anxiety and having to rely on a drink at the end of the day to get out of the day? Which one would you rather be because you’re going to put it at the same time, the same work, trying to make the same moves, but you can enjoy it or you can fight it? That’s the choice that we get to start thinking about.

NCS 552 | Playing At Your Peak

Playing At Your Peak: Our entire life is nothing more than a display of our personal habits.


That’s such a truth because you can even choose to be happy or you choose to be angry and bitter. What you’re going to end up with at the end of those 60 months is more bitterness or happiness. You may hit your goal but your family may not be around because you’ve been such a jerk.

You bring up a big point. This is something we’ve got to embrace. I see this again. My typical client is 45 to 55 years old. Most of them are financially successful by our definitions. They’re freaking miserable because they thought that when they got to it when they arrived, happiness would be there waiting for them and it wasn’t. To what you said, for a lot of them, they burnt a lot of bridges along the way. They burnt down some marriages. They get kids that don’t respect them. The only time that friends will hang out is if they’re buying dinner. That kind of stuff and be like, “I’m here happiness. I’m ready.” It isn’t out here, the final thing in us.

When we come to a place of peace with ourselves and we can embrace happiness here now, whatever it is we think we need in the future, we can attract much faster at light speed into our lives because we’re already portraying the actions to becoming in the doing that is deserving of having that. All of the things we’ve already spoken of if we don’t express those that becoming in the doing, we don’t become deserving, we’ll be chasing it to our grave. There’s no one reading who does not know that to be true. I always want to accept it but a lot of us can look back in our lives and say, “Remember back in college, I knew I’d be happy when I graduated but I wasn’t. I know I’d be happy when I got married, but I wasn’t. I knew I’d be happy when I finally got that car and that didn’t do it either. The house was sure as hell didn’t do it. The kids added more stress. If I could do make a ton more money, I’d be happy.” At some point, we got to stop buying into that little story.

Here’s the cool thing and this is where I see it happening again and again. The second this light switch turned? I get it. I’m going to try it and we go through them. It doesn’t happen all at once. Recognizing and accepting it can happen on a light switch. That takes a little practice because we’re trained to be angry, mad, be a victim, blame, and compare. Every time we compare, at first, we see what they had then we see what we don’t have. We see this big bucket of lack in the middle. That’s what we focus on. It goes back to this crappy feeling of how we’re not successful. We’re 54 years old and there’s so much further in us. All this stuff overwhelms us. That increases the gap between where we are and where we want to be.

We’ve trained ourselves. The retraining out of that and being present and appreciating that there are quadrillion people in this world, this is to everyone who’s reading. There are many people in this world that would love to be you on any given day. That is true because there’s a lot who are in worse positions than you. If you’re going to get a comparing game, you compare both sides of the aisle and you’ll say you’re equal. Push that aside and get back into, “I’ve got to figure out a way or I can embrace and appreciate now for its good or for bad as it is.”

I had this conversation with my kids about failure because kids beat down in becoming a failure like failure is bad. You and I were, we went through the same school system. They even give us a nice big letter when we fail, an F. They brand us. God forbid you to get an F. Failure is it’s habitually bad. What if for a second, you replace the word failure with the word discovery. It’s Sunday night. You and I are chatting and we’re getting each other jacked up for the week. I’m like, “Scott, what are you going to go discover?” It completely changes the way our mind thinks. When we discover, we open up, we learn, we grow, we bring in, we’re sponges. Failure, we close up and we protect. The risk of failure will keep us forever clamped down. We can’t grow. The opportunity to discover is wide open, let’s go for it. It’s simple little plan words.

It’s little things like that every day and every hour when we’re dealing with life. Pat, you’ve been working with entrepreneurs for years and you’re doing something cool. When you called me up, we were talking about podcasts and what you’re focused on. You’ve been helping many entrepreneurs and we’ve got many mutual friends you’ve sat down with and helped him. You’re doing something cool. Do you want to talk about the things you’re doing and the retreats that you’re working with people?

Besides launching a podcast with your help, which I couldn’t thank you enough for it. It’s finally mainstream. I’ve always brought a lot of our training and our teaching into small group environments in terms of it was never out here, but now we’re opening up to a bigger population. In doing so, it makes it a lot easier financially for people to be involved with effectively what it is. Everything I’ve talked about here, we have built into a systematic way where all you do is plug in one end-goal through it and get kicked out the other end with the new habits. The new habits you now have become in order to do and to deserve anything that you want in this world. The way we do it has a daily engagement in terms of we’ve all heard the idea of having a business KPI dashboard, Key Performance Indicators that we monitor. I break it down to personalized KPI dashboards that are based on behavioral change.

Every day, we monitor how our behavior is being altered and bringing awareness around as I do with my daughter, driving the car, go to those four stages of learning. By the time we get to the other end of it, we’re unconsciously competent in whatever it is we need to change. There’s nothing that cannot be altered. I don’t care if somebody’s out there say, “Pat, I have fought my entire life trying to lose weight.” It’s not a problem. “Pat, I’ve always had a problem with making money.” You don’t have a problem making money. You have a problem practicing the right habits that attract money into your life. You and I admit that we aren’t the brightest guys out there but we’re successful by many people’s definition. It’s not because we’re super smart. It’s because of the habits that we’ve learned into our life. Some of them are learning by making bad habits repeatedly.

NCS 552 | Playing At Your Peak

Playing At Your Peak: The key to achieving your goals is creating an environment that’s conducive to attaining the results you want.


It’s the discovery of those habits.

I could create a list a mile long of exactly what not to do in order to get the results you want. I got that list. I’m not done. I keep adding to that list and keep making it better. It’s a program designed for anyone. I don’t care if you work for somebody else or a W-2 and there’s something you want to alter in your life. I don’t care if it’s in your relationship space, in finances, in your physical health and wellness. Now that I mentioned this, we own a lifestyle fitness center, but it has a heart and culture of our martial arts and that’s why you hear me bring up gym and physical stuff a lot because we do everything from yoga and Pilates and cardio kickboxing, all the way over to MMA cage fighting, Jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai and all that stuff.

The physical aspects of it are a big thing to me, but I also know that you can’t succeed physically without first succeeding mentally.  The connection between mental, emotional and physical, you cannot break those things apart. If anybody’s interested in any of these types of programs, I’ll be honest with you, it’s result-centric. It’s not one of those things you come in passively and hang out. If that’s what you’re looking for and I don’t know if anything like that that will work for you, this is not the place. If you’re looking for things that have a structured process to it, that is results-centered, that gives you daily feedback that’s focused on behavioral change but measured by goal achievement, it’s a measuring device we use to see if the behaviors are being changed.

The man checked in. They’ll message me or go to one of our sites and say, “Pat, I loved that conversation.” Everybody that comes in has to sit and have a conversation with me. It always starts the same thing. Scott, what are you looking to do? What do you want to see as an outcome? Some people will say some crazy things and I’m like, “I’m not your guy.” I get it but given our time and what you want to do, if we can scale that back and focus on some behavioral change, I understand everything you came up with. I say it in a context of when somebody comes to me with that and plausible for a billion different reasons. It’s because of their reason behind it or the meaning part doesn’t make any sense. I pull that out of people. There’s nothing that you, me, or anyone else can do that has any real gravity to it. There’s nothing we can do unless we have a reason and a real meaning in doing it in the first place, which it’s not going to happen.

What’s the best way for them to get more information on you or to find out about what you’ve got scheduled or different opportunities there for you, Pat?

The easiest way is to go to my website, PatrickPrecourt.com. We have up there our historically most ever downloaded eBook called Living Big.  It’s something like make a lifestyle culture that I came up with. It’s a neat little download eBook. Go there and grab that too. If anybody wants to have a conversation to know what’s possible, message me, reach out to me, and we can talk further. It’s super cool stuff.

We’ve had Pat on as a keynote speaker for a couple of our Note CAMP events. It’s always the highest-rated speaker, the most views, the most attended and stuff like that. We always get such positive feedback. It’s time to do it again the next time if we have one. Thanks for taking time in your busy schedule. You’re always showing up, Pat, and we appreciate it. I look forward to hanging out with you some more in the near future.

I’m honored to be here and have an awesome 2020.

Go out, take what Pat said, you control your programming, you control what you put into your mind, your actions, which results in the outcome of what you want to achieve. Go out there and live big like Pat was talking about. If you do that, I guarantee we will see you off the top.

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About Patrick Precourt

NCS 552 | Playing At Your Peak Pat is a multi-talented entrepreneur — an industry leader in personal development coaching, marketing, business development, speaking and influencing and a master of sales and leadership. His most innate skill set is to pull the best out of you — to strip down the shell, drive right to the core and uncover what it is that truly drives you. Something that may have been buried so long you hardly recognize it. Pat is known across the industry as the quiet guru — the guy who speaks with his actions and documented results, not with long web copy, fancy marketing tricks and copycat tactics.

He tells it the way it is — an unedited opinion of a self-made entrepreneur and insanely successful business owner. Pat’s goal in his own words is “to help you discover, design and implement a path to true wealth and abundance by identifying your passions, exposing and conquering your fears, clearing the wealth blockers in life that prevent you from achieving your true potential and igniting that burning fire inside to become the leader and entrepreneurial powerhouse you were designed to be.”

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