Many people think of stocks and bonds when investing, but some options can be just as lucrative. One such option is investing in notes. In the Note Closers Show Podcast episode, Scott Carson sits down with note investorĀ Scott Slackter. Slackter shares his journey as a note investor and how he started by finding and brokering owner-financed notes. He also shares his passion for finding performing notes and arbitraging those deals with his investors. — … Read More
EP 358 – Buying And Selling Owner Financed Notes with Kristin Adam Gerst
Scott brings on Kristin Adam Gerst from Capricorn Mortgage Investments to discuss some of the things about buying, selling and creating your owner-financed notes. They cover topics from interest rates to finding the right places to sell. Kristin shares some personal accounts while giving insights into how to handle buying and selling notes. She tackles credit scores as well as the structures about down payments, notes, and acquisitions. Kristin also touches on debts and … Read More