Scott breaks down exactly what the Note CAMP Convention is and why it is different from other note expos. He also goes into talking about the list of speakers who will be attending and what you can expect from the largest online note event of its type.
Listen to the podcast here
Note CAMP Preview

I’ve had a couple of conversations with borrowers today that called me and our offices basically trying to reinstate.
We have a lot of the great stuff happening here. We’re working for another 200 assets that we’re breaking down the initial due diligence on today to get some bids in on those. I’ve had a couple of conversations with borrowers today that called me and our offices basically trying to reinstate. They’re like, “I want to stay in my house. I’ve been out of work but I’ve got money coming in now. I want to stay.” I had one conversation with a gentleman from Indiana today. His payment is $370. He’s like, “I want to pay $500. I know I can’t make up the last four months of payments but I’d like to pay the extra $130 a month to get caught up with. When I do my taxes here in a few months, I may be able to pay the rest with my tax bill.” I’m like, “I’m completely fine with that. If you want to do that, you want to stay in your house and you want to make a little bit extra, we’re going to work with you.” He’s like, “It’s so much easier to deal with somebody on the phone.” One of the biggest things he also talked about was that the previous servicer didn’t have a website so he’d constantly call in or using Madison Management on his file. He’s like, “It’s so easy to talk to them, so easy to get things rock and rolling. I’m so excited to have you with it.” That’s the joy on a Friday. You see a lot of good that happens all the time.
I had a conversation with another borrower who was like, “I think my balance is a lot less than what they’re showing.” Sure enough, they provided proof to us so they’re balance is a little bit less, about $800 less than what we were showing, which is fine. There’s still plenty of opportunity there for her to stay involved. She’s still a couple of months behind than what she originally was. I told her, “If you can make six months of on time payments, I’ll forgive those three months that you’re behind on. For every $100 you bring extra to the table, I’ll forgive you $100. I’ll give you a two-for-one value and the extra you pay on a monthly basis above.” She’s like, “I like that. Maybe I’ll do something with that.” Those are some of the fun things that we’re working on here. Jen is in the office tracking down paperwork on files. We’re trying to make sure all the servicing is taken care of and these loans that we’ve bought are finally boarded.
It’s a good, good feeling to have such a fun amount of deals. This is fun for me. It is fun to buy assets, get them worked out and really talk to borrowers and hear about the good things. “I want to stay in my house. I can pay.” “I did pay. I’ve been paying on time. I’m not behind. Everything isn’t as it looks there. I’m ready to go. I want to stay in my house. I’ve made payments.” That’s the nice thing. We’ve identified that and seeing that in the pay history now, that’s a good thing. It’s really a re-performing note for what we’re doing. That works out well for us in the long run because now, instead of holding on to that asset for six months or twelve months, we can start looking at some of these assets and start selling them off as reperforming assets much sooner than twelve to eighteen months down the road. It’s a win-win across the board for that aspect as well.
Today’s topic on the podcast here is about an upcoming event. It’s our big event that we host twice a year and it’s called Note CAMP. For those that have attended a Note CAMP, it really separates itself from a lot of the other expos that are out there. I’ve been going to real estate expos for years not only as an attendee to go and listen to speakers but also as a vendor and a speaker there. I’ve done the REI expos, I’ve done the realty expos, I’ve done the 401 realty expos and then a whole variety of different ones. I’m actually going to be attending three this year. Two with the distress mortgage expo, one that took place in New Jersey in January, one is coming up in California, and then I’ll be attending Ohio REIA expo in November. I’m looking forward to that one. That’s a big one, 800 people is what I’ve been told there will be. It would be my first time there. We used to travel once a month or once every six weeks to a different expo in different parts of the country. You’re packing up banners and tables and travelling on to these events as a speaker and hope that there will be people there to listen to you and you can hopefully help educate them in some sort of fashion or add to your database.
As an investor, I always hope there are people at these things I can go and network with as well because I want to expand my database to grow my virtual tribe. That’s not always been the case. A lot of companies and a lot of people like to throw events but they don’t put a lot of butts in the seats. That’s one of the biggest things about to get a good vendor turnout, is you want to have people there that are going to be talking to the vendors because it’s important. Not all vendors have their own speaking spot. A lot of vendors are just there for a booth or hoping to get foot traffic and add more clients to their database based on what they do. I’ve even seen investors, they’re just vendors there trying to get more people into their database for potential funding partners or buyers or sellers on their list.
We get a little jaded because we’re going to some of these events that we’re paying money and be sponsors for and there wouldn’t be a lot of people there. There will be 200, maybe 150. We went to one in San Francisco and there’s 25. That’s not a good use of our time or resources or away from the office. I had also tried to host in a big event in Houston two years ago, and it bombed. We actually cancelled the event about a week and a half out from it because there were just no sign-ups. There were no people coming to the event. It was a stressful time. Whenever you’re trying to bring in twenty speakers and you’ve got a hotel room with room blocks and food and beverage and audio visual, it was not a fun thing. We ended up actually writing about a $20,000 check to say no. When you figured in that you’ve got postcards that we dropped in on marketing and we had other marketing bags and swag and other stuff, it’s not a fun time to do. I was literally very, very depressed about having to cancel this a bit. But when I talked to a lot of the vendors and speakers, they were actually glad, “Scott, thanks for not wasting our time. We do appreciate that. We’ll enjoy the weekend with our family.”
We’ve always been doing webinars on a regular basis with people and things like that. I think we do a pretty good job in marketing. Stephanie Goodman, our VP of Operations, and I were driving to Dallas to go to something and we to talk in, “Why don’t we do a virtual one? Why don’t you just do a virtual expo?” She brought that up a few months ago and I was like, “No, it can’t happen. It’s not going to work. People like to come and network.” I let my bias get in the way. She was like, “If you get 400 people on the webinar, why not do something virtually?” I’m like, “It’s not a bad idea.” I came back here and started to talk with my buddy, Chase Thompson from the Note MBA podcast. We said, “Let’s try to come up with a virtual expo,” so we did just that.
In April of 2015, we put together our first virtual event and there were 300 people that showed up to it, 90% of people showed up. One of the great things about what we do with our Note CAMPs is I won’t say force you to network but you’re almost going to be dumb not to network. We’d like to take everybody that signs up for an event and put them on an online portal called Basecamp. There are a few people that end up opting out of that. That’s fine. They don’t want to get bombarded with messages. Basecamp is a really effective tool to work as a message board. If you got a team of people and working on projects, I highly recommend it. When you drop 100, 200 people on a message board, it becomes its own organism. People sharing their stories, sharing and networking, sharing what they’re looking for. That went really well.
Then we reached out to speakers. We had nineteen speakers in the first Note CAMP and everybody’s overjoyed. “I can speak. It’s going to be live. You’re going to have a couple of hundred people there. I don’t have to jump on a plane, a train. I don’t have to haul up my booth. I could literally just do a PowerPoint or just a live stream video.” We’re like, “Yeah, that’s the concept.” They were overjoyed.
It went very well the first time we had one. We decided we’ll do it twice a year; once in April and once in October. Second time around we had just under 400 people. The third time, we had over 700 people attend. That was just a big mind-blowing because at that point when you have 700 people opt in to something, it becomes one of the larger events in the note industry. I’ll give you an example. Many of you are familiar with Noteworthy, the Noteworthy events were taking place for thirty years. Noteworthy basically peaked at about 800 people. That’s a lot of people to network with. When you’re in a live event, there’s no way you’re going to be able to network with all 800 people. You’ve got to try to do a good job of reaching out and getting business cards and asking questions you yourself notice but you are never going to be able to network with everybody.

We want to remove the inability for people to network with everybody and being able to connect with everybody.
That’s what we wanted to remove. We want to remove the inability for people to network with everybody and being able to connect with everybody, whether it was during the event, if there are questions and answers or it was before, during or after with a Basecamp. We also want to take away a lot of the causes for lack of follow-up and we started giving the database of everybody that joined Note CAMP to everybody. If you opted in and you paid to be there, come Sunday, when we wrapped up the event, we uploaded the database of everybody there so you could reach out to them at your own leisure. Connect with them online or drop an email blast or add them to your database. That has been mind-blowing. A lot of people have been blown away with that because they’re like, “I can add some people on my database. I may not able to catch up with everybody during the event but I can catch them after the event.” What’s beautiful is these Basecamp groups become their own organism. A lot of people using these databases to network and raise capital and close deals and joint venture with, which is what everybody is looking for at an event without actually having to be in person.
It would be nice to meet in person but some of the great things that we use technology-wise, we have used Google Hangouts, we’ve used a service called Chatroll where people can ask questions and communicate directly. With what we’ve evolved as the event has grown, people can still use Chatroll and still communicate with people outside of having to be in person, face to face. It works out really, really well. Some of the great features we can do now is with the Zoom technology, all our speakers are live. It’s not a stale, pre-recorded webinar. It’s got to be live, on the phone or on the webinar with us for our speakers to really share that information with those who are attending. Also, it’s live Q&A sessions. We always want to make sure that the speakers who are presenting, whether it’s an investor or an educator, they’re giving quality content, actions, marketing and profit generating ideas. That’s where the CAMP comes from. As our good friend, Kimberly Banks Fawcett once said, “Don’t do another summit or another expo.” We won’t. We’ll do a camp. Come camp out with us for a couple of days and really expand your knowledge. That’s the great thing about some events.
Another thing as we have grown is that we now have two rooms that people can pick speakers from. If they’ve heard Wayne Snell talk before, they can jump over and hear somebody else speak. They could switch back and forth very easily on the rooms. Also the fact that we record these sessions and that the cost for the recordings is included with their ticket is another thing. If I’ve got very low overhead to put on an event, while would I charge you $500 or $1,000 to come to an expo? It doesn’t make sense. It makes no sense whatsoever. I don’t have a room block I got to fill. I don’t have a food and bev that I’ve got to hit at the event. If you’ve never put on a hotel style event, that can get very expensive very quickly. That’s where the brunt of a lot of expenses come from, is that people have to charge more to pay for the cost to host an event; whether it’s space, audio visual, food and beverage, or you’re paying for a room block. We eliminated a lot of that. This will allow for our speakers to deliver up a ton of amazing content to our students. Do we have some sales that happen? Of course we have sales. You’ve got to pay for groceries some way or another, but it’s a lot less, “Run to the back of the room,” crap. “Get your credit card and run to the back.” We don’t do that. We don’t believe in that. We don’t do that and we’ve heard nothing but great responses from everybody.
Some of the speakers are not quite as technologically savvy as you would hope. When they’re doing their first webinar, their first ZoomCast, they don’t understand it’s a different type of process when you’re communicating with people online than in person. Sometimes, a lot of the speakers aren’t so good with follow-up after the event with emails or just following up with a simple email to a webinar, to a class after an event. The funny thing is you can lead a horse to the water but you can’t make it drink. I can’t make people send an email on to their database. I can’t make people connect with others on LinkedIn as well. We have a variety of speakers and I’ll go through our lineup that we have up coming. If you’d like more information, you might as well go to and check it out. If you use the special code PODCAST, it’ll knock $50 off of your ticket price.
Another thing to keep in mind that we always like to do, when we started doing this I think on the second one, is I always like to get a feel for where our audience is coming from. A very, very powerful tool that we’ve been using is a nice investor survey. Send in the link, we get 25%, 30% of those that are signed up to fill out the survey, which is phenomenal. I wish it would be 50%, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, you just won’t get people to answer a survey. What we do ask is we really do find a lot of information, like what type of deals they’re looking for, whether it’s first, second, performing, non-performing? If they got an IRA account, it comes in handy especially for our self-directed IRA clients and companies to help them get new accounts open. Are they looking to joint venture? How many deals have they closed in the last 90 days of the last year? What their LinkedIn profile is, name, address, phone number, that kind of stuff. That becomes such a valuable tool.
Once again, I think we go a step further than anybody else does. If you fill up the survey, we give those that fill up the survey the survey answers or the full survey. If we have 200 people to fill up the survey and 700 people show up, those 200 people are going to have a lot more success in networking than everybody else because they got more information. Literally on this last go-around, there were 187 people that say they were interested in joint venturing with others. That’s a tremendous amount of funding. 145 of them had self-directed IRAs. That’s a tremendous amount of private money and a tremendous amount of people right there.
You wouldn’t need to attend another event a year, you’d have enough investors there literally. I know not all are going to fund with you. You just got to build that rapport and really do a follow-up to make things happen. It’s a phenomenal event. I don’t let everybody speak. I’ve turned some people away, “I know you’re not a fit.” I’ve had some people that don’t come back, “You didn’t rank well.” One thing that I do after the event, we send a survey out to everybody that attended as a speaker survey. Who did you like? Who didn’t you like? How would you rank them? What do you like best? What do you like least about the event? That gives me a lot of information to make the next one even better for you. We try to save your money. You don’t have to spend money flying on a plane or staying with friends right in a hotel room, out of your family life. You get watch from the comfort of your own home or office wherever you’re getting that connection. At the end of the day, you’re ready to go back and hang out with your family or kids and not really miss that much in work.
To give you an idea of the schedule-wise, basically it’s a four-day event. We only do a half-day on the first day. We start out noon, Central Standard Time on a Thursday. We go to about 5:00 or 6:00, Thursday. We go 9:00 to 5:00 on Friday, 9:00 to 5:00 on Saturday and then usually, 9:00 to 3:00 on Sunday. It’s a lot of info. We don’t expect everybody to attend all sessions but we do provide the replays and that’s really the value of the value of that is that you have access to everything you can. There’s two speakers going basically almost every session except on Sunday. Sunday, we only have one virtual room open because attendance drops out because it’s Sunday. We have two rooms running mostly a couple of spots Thursday, all day Friday, all day Saturday as well.
One of the things that we do is we wrap up, especially Thursday and Friday, with usually a keynote speaker of some sort. We’ve had some phenomenal keynote speakers: Greg Reid, the author of Think and Grow Rich: Three Feet from Gold, has been a keynote before for us. Patrick Precourt, my good buddy who does a tremendous job as a motivational speaker and just a really go-getter, has been a keynote speaker twice for us in back to back years. We just have some really great, great speakers come and share what’s going on with them. Jason Sisneros, being a keynote this last time around. We always try to do a fire side chat a little bit on Saturday nights where I go into what’s going on in the markets. What do we see the opportunities? It’s not quite a fire side chat but it’s pretty close to it. What can you expect? What are you looking for? What should you be looking for in the next six to twelve months to help you take your business to the next level?
There’s so much great stuff that goes on. We get a lot of goodies, a lot of the speakers will give away an eBook or some sort of report for you. A lot of great classes. If you sign up for a class, you’ve usually got a seven-day period to cancel if it’s something you don’t want. We got a lot of great people that really do some tremendous things. We’ve only had one speaker miss his speaking spot in the last three times we’ve done it and that’s okay. He won’t be back, he missed his spot. You’re not coming back. Another thing is if I get complaints from people, especially attendees like, “I signed up for something, it turned out to be crap,” you need to take care of the student. You either refund it or don’t come back. Most of the speakers are extremely glad to work with our students and make things happen. Where else are they going to be able to spend an hour, an hour and a half of their time and speak to potentially 700 people and have their stuff put out there and replace and have other people watch it as well, which is one of the things that we do.

Note CAMP is designed to be an amazing online event and it’s turned out to be.
Note CAMP is designed to be an amazing online event and it’s turned out to be. I’m not just using my words. We get so many recommendations and letters and really great reviews from people who attend the event like, “I was really surprised about this. I thought it would be boring, but no, you keep it very interactive.” We’ve had an amazing line up over the last couple of years. We’ve got an amazing line up that’s going to be speaking this time round. I thought I’d take a second to go through that really fast with you. Who can you expect to be joining us at Note CAMP 4.0? What’s nice is we’ve got some new faces coming this time around. That’s the beauty of it, it’s nice to have a new speaker.
We’ve got our buddy, Aaron Young is going to be joining us. Aaron usually speaks once, sometimes twice about the Rockefeller strategy, how to own nothing but control everything along with his corporate veil protection. We’ve got Christy White, my good friend who’s been coming on speaking about marketing. Adam Adams, my buddy, has been on the podcast a couple of episodes. We’re going to have a little bit something different, we’ll have an investor panel this time around with four investors on it. We’re picking their brains and let you guys ask questions as well. Adam will be a part of that along with Wayne Snell and Jay Tenenbaum just to name a few. We have Alex Goldofsky from ProTitle USA. Alex always delivers a tremendous amount of content at Note CAMP on using title companies and what to expect.
We have the amazing Jillian Sidoti from Trowbridge Sidoti, LLC. Jillian is one of the nation’s foremost experts on crowdfunding and is an amazing SCC attorney, and a good friend and just does a really good job as well. This time around, we’ve got our buddy John Hyre, the IRA lawyer is going to be joining us, which we’re excited to have. We got Kimberly Banks Fawcett going to be joining us. She’s a great investor and friend. She’ll be talking about some of the systems that she uses. Our buddy, Joel Markovitz from The Law Offices of Daniel Singer. He’ll be talking about special servicing. Quincy Long from Quest IRA, he usually likes to join us occasionally. Due to schedule and travel sometimes it will be Nathan Long instead but Quincy always provides a lot of great nuggets about using your self-directed IRA.
Jay Tenenbaum has bought several hundred assets in the last couple of years, he has a great presentation on what he’s done and how he’s ridden that wave of distressed assets to where he’s at today. Daniel Malcom from First National Bank of America will talk about owner financing and how to structure your owner financing properly so that you can sell it for the most money. We also have Jeff Watson, an amazing attorney, one of the co-founders of Realeflow who will come on. Last time, he talked about the owner finance coalition. I’m sure he’ll talk a little bit about that this time around. It’s been something he’s working about.
A lot of people always ask us about servicing. We’re also excited to have Shante Duffy on. Also, her boss, Kevin Cordell with Madison Management sharing how Madison is really helping a lot of the investors out there with their special servicing. If you’re looking for commercial notes or bigger projects, you’ll want to hang around and listen to Sue Nelson who is a great friend and is a great educator, also an amazing investor as well. Sue won the highest rank speaking spots last time and does a tremendous job. She just got a big heart when it comes to helping her students’ success. If you’re looking for insurance, there’s no better guy than Ed Babtkis from Ross Diversified Insurance come on to talk about their policies and how they help a lot of investors.
Merrill Chandler from CreditSense does a great job coming and sharing also the benefits how to empower your credit to really kick butt. Last time around, we had Brecht Palombo from Distressed Pro come and talking about Distressed Pro and how he’s used to creating that to help investors find assets and deal directly with a bank. We have the author of The Banker’s Code, George Antone, from Full Throttle Ventures coming on, also known as George does a great job sharing his little financing and finance hacks to help people really take their business to the next levels. If you’re looking for help with due diligence, we’ve got Liz Brumer-Smith come on from She talks about how she breaks down due diligence and then also has an amazing service of VAs that can help you expand your business as well.
We’ve got my buddy, Val Sotir from Watermark Exchange and Watermark Capital Partners out in New York. A New York trader that I have known for quite a few years and made a lot of trades with. Just a great, great brother from another mother. He always has a great time, always gets highly ranked because it’s just a no nonsense discussion we have about trading and going from there. We mentioned Wayne Snell earlier. You’ve heard Wayne on a couple of episodes ago. He’ll actually be on the investor panel talking about how he’s closed on 300 deals in the last three years. Mahir Allan, I call him Matt from MJS ThinkTANK. Matt will be sharing and talking about second lien investing. Now, he does a great job with helping investors take down portfolios as second lien investors and how he’s done a great job.
We’ve also got Chase Thompson. Chase always does a great job. Chase has been one of the big, big advocates of Note CAMP and really helped to get this thing rock and rolling to where it is today. Chase will be talking about marketing and going from there. We’ll have Dave Putz on from JKP Holdings as well. Dave will be sharing his love of first and some of the things that he does with his new group in New Jersey as well. We’ve got my buddy Randy Rodenhouse who’s a very successful investor at South Carolina. Great job of doing deals on a regular basis and making things happen. He’s got some great nuggets.
I’m really excited to have for the first time this time around, Mr. Bill Tan from LA and San Diego area. I’ve known Bill for years. Bill is a solid speaker and educator and has a great love of paper. We’ve also got Tom Boren with Aspen Funds. He’ll be speaking on second investments and how they’re buying both portfolios and notes and doing a great job on the second liens side of things. Tim Herriage from 2020 REI from the Dallas-Fort Worth groups talking, sharing a lot of his insights about the real estate market. For those who don’t know, Tim is one of the first people that actually secured ties of rental portfolios and sell it to Wall Street. Excited to have Tim on, him and I go back quite a few years.
We’ll have Cynthia Faulkner from Self-directed IRA TV coming on talking about how they are able to help a lot of investors, especially self-directed IRA investors, learn the best places to put their money. Our keynote this time around, I’m excited to have the one, the only Scott Duffy. Scott is a buddy of mine and has done a tremendous job as an entrepreneur. Not only being featured at or magazine but working with the likes of Richard Branson, Fox Sports and some other things and helping entrepreneurs really launch themselves into the stratosphere when it comes to success in their business. He’s got a book called Launch!. Scott will be one of the keynote speakers talking about what it really takes to take your business to the next level. Of course, you’re stuck with me as one of the speakers as well.

One of the big pillars of what we do is our speakers have to be doing the business.
I know I’m missing a couple of people on here. We’ll make sure and get those added. We’ve got an all-star lineup of amazing speakers who are actually doing the business. One of the big pillars of what we do is our speakers have to be doing the business. It’s not about, “I’m just teaching. I’m not doing it.” No, you’ve got to be doing the business. That’s the most important aspect of what we do, is you can’t teach if you’re not doing it. Otherwise, you’re just really blowing smoke. We don’t want that. We don’t want a pitch fest. We don’t want people just blowing smoke or some crap. We want content, actions, marketing and proper generating nuggets that you can really take with you and go from there.
The next one is the 4.0 version. It’s slated for October 12th through the 15th, all times will be Central Standard Time. You can find more information if you look at the website, We’ve got some great stuff. If you’d like to learn, go to, register for the event. If you use a special code PODCAST we’ll make sure you’ll get your $50 off of your ticket price. Just really honored, we’ve got some great stuff lined up for you. One of the great things that we do a little bit different, Nicole here in the office puts together an amazing virtual manual. Every speaker got a one-page bio with what they’re focused on. It’s an amazing PDF, electronic thing. When you download this, you’ll be clicking on a lot of the speaker links and it will take you directly to which room they’re speaking, the speaker schedule and the perks if they’ve got a blog or anything else they’ve got written in there. We’re excited about that. It’s literally very interactive.
One thing we started last time that we’ll do this time is we’ll have some recommended tracks. What do I mean by tracks? I’ll give you an example. How to raise capital for NPLs? There’s a little bag of money. You probably going to want to click on that link and make sure you’re watching the speakers for that. I’ll give you an example, Aaron Young. If you want the systems, the Rockefeller strategy, it’s got a little dial there, you want to click on that so you can keep tracking it. We’d like to focus on money, systems, deal flow, marketing, the market itself and then also keynotes. We have an actual key for you to be able to track the speaker aspect of that.
One thing we always like to do as well, we love when people share our stuff on social media, too. We always have a daily social media contest for those that are creative, whether they’re taking screenshots of their computer and where they’re watching it or they’re taking a picture of them with their feet up on the couch or on the sand while they got the Note CAMP blaring in their ears on their iPad or whatever it is. We love rewarding people that share it on the social media aspect, whether it’s on LinkedIn or Facebook or Instagram. We’ve got some pretty creative people do some pretty creative stuff. I will usually give away either a ticket to our Fast Track training or a Mastermind, depending on what’s going on, maybe potentially two of those away each time we have one, just based on the amount of content the people share out there. That’s a $15,000 ticket item for you to win and be a part of the Note Mastermind as well.
Just lots of great stuff. We always to talk about deals, always looking for deals. We always have sources that are bringing deals to the table. Usually a couple of days after Note CAMP we’ll do a draft or we brought a list of assets on and a lot of people a couple of days to review it. Diving in some due diligence and start making some offers. Just really, really excited. We kick off on the 12th of October. We’re already over a couple of hundred people that are signed up for the event, that’s the exciting thing about that. We see a lot of sign-ups in the last two weeks so I would expect this to be somewhere near that 700 mark if not passed it by the time it rolls around. We’ve got a lot of marketing there that are kicking in the place. Go to and use the special code PODCAST and get your $50 coupon off the ticker price for that. You don’t have to be in person. You don’t have to jump on a plane. If you can’t make it all four days, no problem. The replays are usually available the following Thursday or Friday for you to listen to at your own pleasure. You want to download those or save them so you can get to them at your convenience whether you’re out driving, flying, traveling for another thing. You don’t have to take time away from your family to have fun and enjoy at Note CAMP.
I could not do this without our amazing staff of people. First, I’ve got to give a big shout out to Greg and Jennifer and Nicole in the office here. They do a really great job with helping organize everything, with the marketing, the images and tracking of those that are coming and going from Basecamp. I have to give a big shout out to Stephanie Goodman, our VP of Operations. You’ll be able to see her much more attractive smiling face if you’re watching room two and any of the speakers that are going through there. She does a great job with that. I could not do that without a staff of people that are doing some things behind the scenes to make sure everybody is happy.
Go out and do something, make something happen. That’s the only way you’re going to get ahead. Education is only good if you’re going to implement it. If you’re not an implementer, do not sign up for anything. All you’ll be doing is donating your money to somebody else. If you’re a go-getter, you’re somebody who’s going to take action and apply the things that you learn and really launch yourself forward into the note game, the paper game, the Note CAMP might just be the event that helps you out there.
If I look at this thing, Adam, Kimberly, Joel, Jay, Chase, Wayne, Randy, a lot of people have closed a lot of deals and raised a lot of capital from attending. Val has sold assets from these people. Liz Brumer-Smith has closed deals and joint ventures with people that she met through the Note CAMP. There’s a lot opportunity to really take your business to the next level and our event really focus on it. I guarantee you’re not going to find another expo that’s going to give all the attendees the RSVP list. It’s just not going to happen. They don’t want to give that information out because it’s valuable. We believe it’s valuable too but we want to incentivize you. There’s no holds barred. The only way you’re going to fail is if you don’t take action and make things happening.
As always, if you’ve enjoyed this episode and want to learn more about what we do, you can always text the word ‘NOTES’ to the phone number 72-000. You can always find more information on notes in going to Appreciate all the love out there from people. Hopefully you’re having a great day. Go make something happen. We’ll see you all at the top.
Important Links
- Madison Management
- Note CAMP
- Ohio REIA
- Stephanie Goodman
- Note MBA podcast
- Basecamp
- Noteworthy
- Chatroll
- Think and Grow Rich: Three Feet from Gold
- Patrick Precourt
- Jason Sisneros
- Aaron Young
- Adam Adams
- ProTitle USA
- Trowbridge Sidoti, LLC
- The Law Offices of Daniel Singer
- Quest IRA
- First National Bank of America
- Realeflow
- Ross Diversified Insurance
- CreditSense
- Distressed Pro
- The Banker’s Code
- Watermark Exchange
- Watermark Capital Partners
- Wayne Snell
- Chase Thompson
- JKP Holdings
- Aspen Funds
- 2020 REI
- Self-directed IRA TV
- Scott Duffy
- Launch!