Is there a secret formula to finding success? How does it work, and does it work for you? Scott Carson talks with American filmmaker, motivational keynote speaker, and best-selling author, Dr. Greg Reid, who spills his secret knock to overcoming obstacles, discovering opportunities, and finding success. With decades of success in business, filmmaking, and authoring books, Greg sees the world as a place of unlimited opportunity, even during times of apparent hopelessness. His positive energy is something people need today as they take blows from the current crisis. Listen in and discover what it takes to be a champion in life and your business.
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The Secret Knock To Overcoming Obstacles, Discovering Opportunities And Finding Success With Dr. Greg Reid
Note nation, we all have mentors in our lives. A lot of them are from the books that we read or the people that we follow on a regular basis. I was lucky to meet our special guest, Greg Reid. He’s the author of Think and Grow Rich, Three Feet From Gold and numerous other books that are out there. I’m sure that many of you have read it. I am honored to have my mentor, Greg Reid, join us on the show. He’s going to talk about a special event that he puts on once or twice a year called Secret Knock. I’m sure many of you want to check that out. I love the insights and the stories that Greg tells from his amazing lineup of speakers and friends who’ve persevered and overcome obstacles along their way to success. This is a great episode. I am honored to have Greg finally on the show and maybe you learn a little bit from one of my mentors out there. Subscribe and make sure to leave a review.
I’m honored to have a special guest joining us from San Diego. This guy is a thought leader and a film producer. He’s got his honorary PhD. More importantly, he’s a buddy of mine. He’s somebody I reach out to when I’m going through rough times. Someone that I bounce ideas off of. This guy is a big believer that no matter what’s going on in life, whether you’re on up or down, your time is now. I am honored to have my buddy, Greg Reid, join us on the show. How’s it going, Greg?
First of all, it’s great to see you again. I’ve been watching your career skyrocket and blow up, how you’re taking things online and impacting a lot of lives. Good job.
Thanks, I appreciate it too. You’ve done that too with everything, calling an Audible with your amazing event, Secret Knock, which is one of the top 1 or 2 entrepreneurial events that everybody should attend as by Forbes magazine or Entrepreneurs Magazine as well.
All of the above. We do the weirdest event. It’s the greatest event that you cannot go to unless you’re invited. It’s called the Secret Knock. You have to go to Google and find it. The Audible part was interesting. Everyone’s adapting and adjusting. When I did a book called Three Feet From Gold, it’s about turning obstacles and opportunities. We see many of those things pop up in our daily lives. I’m sure you’re doing call after call of people with their great ideas. My friends, myself, and the sphere of influence, we see this as a golden age of opportunity that when we come out on the other side, we’re going to be blessed. We’ll also look back and say, “I don’t want to squander this opportunity and do nothing with it.”
It’s the biggest thing that we can’t bunk, huddle down, and be scared at this time. We’ve got to pivot. We’ve got to do some things differently than what we were doing. Business is normal no matter what field you’re in for the most part. It makes me think about your latest book that you had come out was Wealth Made Easy. You have interviewed millionaires and billionaires on there because many of them are successful and have gone through trials and tribulations in their lives. Do you want to talk a little about that?
For years, I went around the world and I interviewed people worth a hundred million to a billion dollars. I kept asking them, “What did they do?” Their blueprint was simple. I put it down on one page every single one of them. I called it the Wealth Act. For example, Tonino Lamborghini. Everyone’s heard of Lamborghini. I said, “How did you and your dad create so much dollar?” He said, “All you’ve got to do is create a product, good, or service that people will save their money to hand it to you happily.” “What do you mean?” He goes, “No one is ever going to save all their money to buy one of your books, but they’ll cash in their 401(k) to drive one of our cars.” You’re not going to spend $4,000 a night delivering to your own apartment, but you’ll cash into family vacation fund and go to Anaheim and give it to a mouse with big ears. He goes, “If you can create a product, good, service, or experience that people will save their money to hand it to you, you’ll never run out of revenue.”
Many people have to identify those opportunities because there’s much need going on. That falls in line with many people canceling vacations and trips. They’re like, “Cruises are being canceled.” I would go on a cruise. That would be the cheapest you would ever get. Why not have a two-week vacation at sea? There’s such a big need for so much positivity in a world of negative, for the most part. How did you ask the people you interviewed how they kept the positive mindset during the troubled times?
Yes, especially through what we’re going through. As soon as the new struck that, we’re going to be locked down. A billionaire friend of mine called me. He was like, “Great news.” I went, “What are you talking about?” He went, “You don’t understand. I’m worth $707 million. I want to get to $1 billion and this is going to be my way out.” I went, “What are you talking about?” He went, “Do you not realize that oil is down to $27 a barrel? I’m putting $100 million.” Another person said, “This is what I’m doing.” They realize that they’re going to buy low and then sell high, a typical business move. For example, I don’t have $100 million, so I go, “How can I implement that same thought process?”
People reading this would go, “That’s easy for them. They’ve got money. That’s the way it works.” I’m not giving financial advice, I’m only sharing what I’m doing. I realized that Starbucks’ stock went in half. I went, “I don’t have millions of dollars, but I can buy a couple of hundred shares of Starbucks.” I realized the second that we come out of this, where’s the first place I’ve wanted us to go? The chances are that we’ll go back to normal. Even if it goes to 3/4 normal, I still have 50% of my income. I’m starting to look at things from that perspective. For example, CCL, which is Carnival Cruise Line, went down to $8. The whole idea is whether they come out of this or not, it’s betting on the long shot, but it might or might not. There are many of these opportunities all around us. You’ve got to keep your eye on the prize and look at what’s comfortable for you.
One thing that I’ve seen you do well, you’ve always been a connector. In the past years, you’ve done a good job of being that connector versus referring somebody. You are finding ways to put yourself into deals and to make things happen from simply putting two people together. Talk a little about that. Everybody has a network, but sometimes we forget about who we’re connected to or that we’re one degree away from separation in this world.
Eighty percent of everything we need is within our sphere of influence. We’re waiting for the perfect time to reach out. We go to a networking thing, we meet that perfect person and we go, “I have a bad case of the one size.” That means, “Once I get that big opportunity or get the big break,” but yet, you have to take action when it strikes you. I sat down with a multibillionaire one time and I said, “Why are you wealthy and other people not?” He said, “Everyone gets stuck on their big but. Do you know the one I’m sitting on? I’d do that, but it’s that but that stops and holds them back. You’ll find a guy who wants to sell an airplane and a guy wants to buy an airplane. You are such a nice guy, you connect them.”
I went, “Yes.” He said, “You’re an idiot.” “What are you talking about?” He said, “Here’s what we do with the same outcome, but we have a different type of response. I would go to a guy and say, ‘I don’t know anyone that wants to sell an airplane, but if I can find someone for you, will you give me a commission?’ They say, ‘Yes.’ ‘I don’t know anyone that wants to buy an airplane, but if I can get you a plane, will you give me free airline tickets to Hawaii?’ They’re both going to say, ‘Yes.’ You then put them together. Now, you’ve got free airline tickets and you’re making 20% on the deal. It’s the same outcome, but it’s a wealth mindset.” How many times are we sitting on golden things where we put people together but we didn’t capitalize and we’re mad at them? It’s not their fault. There was never an agreement upfront. All I do is I have a verbal understanding, even as simple emails that say, “This is our memo of understanding,” so people know where they stand. I had a friend that wanted to start a pharmaceutical company. My other buddy is the head guy at Pfizer. I said, “If I put you two together, will you give me shares of your fake company?” They did, but it turned out to be a legitimate one. They went public and I’ve got millions of shares of this company by making that connection.
A lot of people can do that with different companies or software with affiliate splits, affiliate operator opportunities across the board out there to help monetize their time and their connections. You are connecting people, but that’s a beautiful thing. You’re exactly right. It’s like, “If I can help you, can you help me? Everybody wants to help each other and we’re not opposed to, “Make sure we get referrals.” If we didn’t have that connection, nothing would happen anyway, to begin with.

Secret Knock: There is so much opportunity all around us. Keep your eye on the prize and look at what’s comfortable for you.
You’re not being a broker. You’re only connecting people with a verbal understanding of how it worked out. The interesting point is one of my buddies that I interviewed for that book, he’s not a billionaire, but you know Mark Anthony Bates. He taught me a lesson that completely transformed my life. My big takeaway for this is what I’m about to share. It’s called the CPC. I don’t know if we even had this talk before. The people that understand the power of this are the ones that make it in this world. It’s about accountability and responsibility for everything that happens and stop blaming other people. It works like this, Clues, Patterns, and Choices. I go out on a first date, she’s twenty minutes late. There’s a clue. I go on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th date. Each time, she’s twenty minutes late. There’s a pattern. It’s my choice whether I deal with it, adjust it, yell at her, or confront her.
It’s not her fault. She’s just late. Many times, we tried to change people or whatever to fit within our little box, but it doesn’t work that way. It’s about clues, patterns, and choices. How many times have we heard someone with a bad reputation in business? They then cheat your friend, but you do business with them because you think it will be different and then you’re mad at that person. It’s like being mad at a rattlesnake for rattling, biting your sister, you pet it, and you get bit. You’re mad at the snake. It doesn’t work that way. Accountability, responsibility, and CPC.
Has there been a situation or anything like that that worked against you by any chance or you’ve used it?
Yes, sometimes it works where I go through relationships a little quicker than you might. I also realized after talking to many people in my career, look up, and publishing 100 books, 45 languages around the world, and make movies. I’ve met a few people. I always ask these common denominators because I don’t want to know that every time you did this, you failed or you succeeded. If I see a blueprint, I’m going to start following it. That’s one of the things. I kept realizing that people are never upset that they’ve made a bad decision, a bad relationship, or anything. They’re always bad that they stayed in it too long. This CPC part, this other C is the part that I realized it gets me through. Sometimes, I might weed through people a little quicker than giving them too much opportunity because I go, “That didn’t smell right. I see a little thing, I’ll let go of it.” I might have given up a little bit too soon. The people I surround myself with, my team’s insane because they pass that test with flying colors. Even though I might’ve missed 1 or 2, I guarantee I gained ten because I went through the process to get to those great people.
It’s discovering opportunities, but surrounding yourself with good people. You have to trust your gut with a lot of things. I think your gut’s been good to you over the years, for the most part. Even when you’ve gone through your tough times because you’ve had ups and downs. You’ve had businesses that have gone well and businesses that bombed in a variety of things. Do you mind sharing that a little bit with our readers out there?
I’ve got businesses that bombed and went great. It’s like everybody. The only thing is I never get caught up in the down moments. A great mentor said to me, “Never celebrate your wins too loud or your losses too long.” That only set in my heart. When things go not good, it’s about accountability and responsibility. I’ll give an example. Last time we had an economic thing in 2007 or 2008, I went all-in and bought a furniture store the month of the housing crash. Things happened, but I did my due diligence. I got lawyers and accountants. Everyone checked it out. It looked perfect because it did all the way before that, so making that decision was horrible. I literally lost there. On the same note, “What could I have done differently? I did everything correctly.”
I realized that it also put me up for success for the next one. When the people I interviewed for a book called Success and Something Greater, one of my favorite interviews was a guy named Fred. Fred is an amazing guy. He invented something called the jet ski. You know the two-person sit-down in the jet ski. He sold the patent for $75,000. I went, “That must kill you.” He went, “No, it was a great deal.” I went, “Do you understand it’s a billion-dollar brand ski thing? You missed out on a golden opportunity.” He went, “Greg, let me explain. At that time, that $75,000 got me paid up on my back mortgage so I can keep my house. I got my employees paid up so that they could keep theirs. It was the first time that I could remember that I slept all night through for a week on it. I was going through the attic when I had some free time. I discovered a little metal die-cast car I used to play with as a kid. A buddy of mine was in NASCAR. I put his number on the side and I gave it to him. He showed it around and everyone else wanted it. NASCAR bought the rights for $171 million. As an entrepreneur, sometimes you have to do a deal in order to get you through to do another deal.”
It’s such good counsel. We all run with mental blocks and sometimes being able to release that good night’s sleep allows you to step away from the situation or clear your mind so that you do see the opportunities that have been in front of us.
That’s an interesting little a-ha too. This is a woo one but work with me for a bit. What if God and the universe corrected every single wish and prayer that we ever asked for? Only we didn’t like the packaging, so we sent it on its way. We sat there and said, “God, I need $100. I’ll do anything for $100.” A guy pulls up in a pickup truck. It’s full of aluminum cans and he says, “I’m running late for a meeting. We’ll clear these things out. Will you take them off my hands? You can have them. They’re free. They’re worth $100 cash in a minute.” You go, “I don’t want those stinky things.” You asked and prayed for it. It was delivered, but you didn’t like the packaging so you sent it in its direction. What does that tell our God in the universe every time we ask for the next prayer or wish? I realized that there’s a quote that says, “Be careful what you ask for because you might get it.” It might be in your footsteps, but you don’t like the way it looks.
You might have to build and do a little bit of work to get it.
How many times have you done a package deal of a bunch of notes fall in your lap and you go, “These are ugly ducklings?” Yet, usually, those are where the gold nuggets are, you just don’t know it at that time. If we passed those on, we would’ve missed it. The same type of thing for myself. I had a new mindset, saying, “I’m looking for this perfect relationship.” If a girl comes up and I don’t like her toenail, I’m not going to send her on the way anymore. I’m like, “She was here for a reason. Let me CPC this and see what’s going on.” I’ve started to apply and use a lot of these principles in daily life.
You do have a checklist and check it off every day. Do they know about the checklist?
Everyone’s got a checklist. It’s interesting being an older guy in life and things are going good. We started getting a little bit more meticulous along our way, but I’m also learning to tune and tone that down to be open to what it is. It’s not an age group. It’s not a hair type. It’s not ethnicity. I’m looking for the right person and it came down to be cool. That’s it.
That’s an important thing, especially nowadays, be cool. We’re all dealing with issues. We all have dramas in our lives a little bit, but some of us have more than others. That might be a pattern for you to avoid. With what’s going on, what are some things that you’re doing because you are an outgoing person and you’ve got this great network? I know you’re leveraging a lot of online stuff. What are some things you do that you’re using to recharge and keep yourself in a positive mindset, Greg?
I’m a creator. My life hasn’t changed that much. I work from home. I live in a kick-ass place and usually, people come to me. It’s the only difference is that they stay outside and they are 10 feet away, but we still have these meetings. What I’m doing is I see a lot of opportunities to clean up stuff. I’ve been working on a TV reality show for quite a while called Wake Up and Crush It. I finally got to sit down and edit that show so it can go to start pitching all the networks. I sat down with the founder of the E! Network and Showtime and said that I got this show. I sent them the teaser and they said, “No one’s buying right now.” I said, “That’s the perfect time to start pitching.” All I do is I look for the masses and I go the other way. If everyone’s running out of a burning building, I’m going, “There’s got to be something to salvage inside that building.” I have a different type of mindset. When someone sits down and says, “It can’t be done or it’s not the right timing,” that’s what the masses say. I also realize that there’s gold inside.
A lot of people are saying, “It’s not the right time.” It is the right time to take advantage of it to strike, create something, and put the word in when everybody else is sitting off, “It’s not going to happen.” We see that a lot with what we’re doing in marketing and making sure we’re connecting and continue to connect with our bank asset managers and our vendors. Also, to touch base with them when everybody else is sitting, twiddling their thumbs streaming Netflix where you’re continuously working, putting in 10 to 12 hour days to make sure that we’re connected and staying on top of mind with everybody out there. You had the Secret Knock. What number was this that you marked it and you live-streamed it for three days?

Secret Knock: People are never upset that they have made a bad decision or a bad relationship. They’re always upset that they stayed in it too long.
It is the 13th or 14th year, something like that. It’s been going strong and rock and roll. I want to go back to the Netflix thing. Don’t poop on Netflix all together because my movie is trending worldwide on Netflix. It’s called Wish Man. Since you’ve got some free time, grab the family and make sure that you watch that film. I want to make sure that we plugged that one and there’s so much great educational stuff on TV in nowadays world. I’m the guy who’s going on the internet and yelling at all these people that are posting those memes, saying, “Rich people have big libraries, other people have big TVs and all this stuff.” It’s a bunch of crap. The realities are I cannot read and write. I’m dyslexic. I can’t spell or play Words With Friends or win every time. I’m an award-winning author because I work my strengths and I hire my weaknesses. I’m a great acceptor of content. I watch all the shows, documentaries, and all this different stuff. I’m constantly filling my brain. I do it in a different modality because I’m more of an audible visual guy. It is the same thing as my son is. While other people might be bingeing something superfluous, which is fine too. I’m putting more content in my head than I have in years.
I’ve been streaming a lot of educational stuff, learning and jumping on a lot of online summits, and trying to impact my brain as best as it can. Sometimes it takes a big bat to hit across the side of the head to absorb some things.
Going on this journey, it’s interesting. A lot of people always ask you, “What’s your favorite interview or your favorite thing?” It’s like picking your favorite kid. For me, lately, it’s been this story I’ve been telling over and over about Steve Wozniak. He is the guy who created Apple computers. I asked him, “How did you and Jobs have so much success in your life?” He said, “We embraced our lack and what we didn’t have. When everyone else runs from what they’re missing, we ran toward it. When these little microchip processor things came out, there were expensive. We could only afford one chip. Jobs sold his Volkswagen. I sold my calculator.
We pooled our money to buy one of these magical devices, but Hewlett Packard would have made machines that go from point A to point B with twenty chips with all the money we’ve got. I’ve pulled away five, from A to B using fifteen. I’ve pulled away five and get to work with ten. Eventually, we went from A to B using our one chip. We were not trying to be innovative, cool, slick, aerodynamic. We could afford one chip, but by embracing that as an opportunity, we found the shortest, cleanest path.” By doing that, we change the way people do personal computing for the rest of the world and the rest of their life. Where could you be in your own chosen field of endeavor if you stop looking at something as the greatest challenge and obstacle? It could be the greatest blessing and opportunity in disguise.
That’s the truth. The more connections or distractions we’re going to move, a lot of times, we let things flow a lot faster. It can be a lot easier when we take out a lot of that filtering and things in between or people in between go direct and reach out and pick up the phone. Even this day, versus trying to go through 12 and 13 people is important.
That’s something that we have been talking about for the last few years. You probably were setting that one up. One of the things Scott and I realized many years ago, we were sitting around and we go, “The most successful people are the most available people.” Everyone will argue with us at Secret Knock. The idea was if you’re brand new at something, you’re happy go lucky, refresh, and cool. If you’re at the top of your field, happy go lucky. You had nothing to prove, in the middle, pain in the neck. You’re filled with ego, you’re edging God out. It’s easier to get to the founder of the RE/MAX real estate billion-dollar juggernaut corporation than your local RE/MAX president down the street. He’s driving his BMW and has got fourteen people working the phones. The realities are that we realize if we want to get the sell, we go straight to the top of who’s getting the results we want. When I wanted to become a bestselling author, when I went to Barnes & Noble, I didn’t buy all the great written books. I didn’t want to be a great writing author. I want to be a bestselling author. I went to the bestseller section and I called every one of them up and said, “Teach me that system,” and here we are now.
How many books have you authored and how many countries?
I’ve been published in over 100 books, 45 different languages around the world. I’ve already got a star on the Las Vegas Strip Walk of Fame right in front of the Paris Hotel. I am six down from Elvis and all the famous celebrities made. What’s interesting about that is you work your strengths and hire weaknesses. I can’t spell, read, and write. This is the truth. This isn’t one of those stories. In my first book, I was turned down by 268 publishers in a row. The 269th one said, “We’ll do it, but change the title, the beginning, the middle, and the end.” It was bad. I got a ghostwriter who took it and crafted in a way people would want to read it. They are the ones that bring it to life. For example, Wealth Made Easy, we talked about the guy who wrote it. His name’s Gary Krebs. He’s my co-author on the book. He’s the former publisher of a company called McGraw-Hill Publishing in New York City. Who can write a better book, McGraw-Hill Publishing or some knucklehead? Work your strengths, hire your weaknesses.
It’s important. Everybody can do that. With many things out there with Fiverr, Upwork, and all those things out there, it’s an amazing thing to get books done.
Don’t forget Craigslist. It’s funny when I did our movie, Wish Man. We made the ballot for the Oscars in 2019 and we’re trending and rocking worldwide. It’s crazy how it’s going. I started it from Craigslist because when Frank, the Founder of Make-A-Wish, said, “Tell my story,” I went, “I never made a movie.” I didn’t know where to start. I went to Craigslist and I posted an ad looking for a screenwriter to help flash this idea out. That’s how I met Theo Davies. He ended up writing, producing, directing, and making this giant film from Craigslist. The giant estate I lived in is Craigslist. The people that do those memes on all my Instagram for 500,000 followers are from Fiverr. From Upwork is the people that I get to write my articles. Everything you’re saying is true. You don’t have to leave the comfort of your home anymore. They had all these things accomplished.
With the latest Secret Knock, you’ve always had such an interesting group of individuals on there, Hall of Famers, actresses, movie stars, and a whole variety of different people. Who stood out probably the most at the latest one you did to you?
We’ve Skyped with Edward Snowden, who’s hiding in Russia. We had President Dave, Vicente Fox come in. We’ve had an Oscar-winning actor, Richard Dreyfuss. We always have different people, but I had the founder of the E! Entertainment Network, the Kardashians, and Entertainment Tonight. I had the founder of Showtime Television. I had that kid that plays in Shameless come on because I wanted the dichotomy of it. We had the founder of Priceline and UGG Boots, the inventor of the credit card magnetic strip, the founder of Pictionary board game, and Make-A-Wish. That’s our circle. We didn’t cancel our bet. We postponed it until September 2nd to 3rd, 2020. What we did was a livestream with the same speakers so you could get a fifteen-minute appetizer of them so you’re ready for what’s coming in September.
People that want to get it, check it out. Go to You have to apply, go and jump through a couple of hoops, then we catch them on fire. The whole idea is it took me decades to build these relationships. The last thing we need to do is have some wackadoodle who talks to dead aliens, their cat in a tinfoil hat, coming up to Tonino Lamborghini, who flew in from Italy and start talking about his imaginary cat farm. It’s important to make sure that we surround ourselves with positive like-minded people because you get direct access. There’s no VIP list. There’s no delving. You’re hanging out. They are sitting right next to you. You’re going to lunch or having coffee and enjoying a beer with these amazing people.
I will vouch for that. I’ve been there many times and it is one of the most amazing events that you will go to. You will walk out of there floating with so much positive energy and talking with many amazing people that have no ego. They’re there to give and to ask questions. If you want to take over the mic, Greg might let you do that every once in a while to ask the questions.

Secret Knock: Work your strengths. Hire your weaknesses.
We want that. We reward rowdy behavior. The whole idea is that the more you engage and participate, the more that you’re rewarded. I’m tired of these events where you go to and it’s boring talking heads and stuff. For example, I remember when President Vicente Fox came on stage. I go, “Vicente, let’s start our interview slow and work our way up. I understand you’re building me a wall. Thank you very much.” It was great. We’re doing this interview and then all of a sudden, in the middle of it, our co-emcee/host Charles Vest pulled out a Nerf gun. He went to someone in the audience and said, “Stand on the table. If you can take this Nerf gun, hit across the room, and hit that thing, we’ll give you $1,000.” Everyone started chanting, “Do it.” I went, “Back to you, Vicente.” Vicente was like, “What’s going on?” There’s no rhyme or reason. We keep doing that pattern of interruption so your brain can absorb what people are saying. Sometimes, what happens is someone will say something brilliant that you’d go down a rabbit hole in your own brain. You start thinking about if that applies to you and you drift off. By doing these little things all the time keeps you focused so you can take all this content.
It’s a great event. One that we always look back on stuff when I talk about quite a bit on the different ones we’ve been to. I was enjoying the livestream with Secret Knock as well. I’m looking forward to the one on September 2 and 3, 2020.
It’s in San Diego, California. If you go to, we’re going to do another livestream. Some of the people I’m bringing on, we’re doing a three-hour segment. It is mindblowing. Have you ever read Rich Dad Poor Dad or Outwitting the Devil by Sharon Lechter, New York Times bestselling author? She’s coming on. John Assaraf with NeuroGym and from The Secret. The whole idea about the vision board, things of this nature, but he’s talking about changing the way that your brain works all the time. We’re bringing on that Jamaican bobsled team from Cool Runnings, the actual captain from the Jamaican Bobsled Team. We’ve got a three-time gold medalist, Olympic champions. It’s incredible. If you ever want to hear from these people, engage, and talk to them, go to and you can register. It’s free.
Greg, great stuff as always. I want to thank you for coming on and injecting some positivity, excitement, and energy. You have always evolved energy there for you. You’ve talked to many people. One of the interviews that has always stood out to me that you’ve talked about in your interview with Evander Holyfield and how different he was. Would you talk a little about that before we let you go?
It’s interesting because he was a poet, like a philosopher, a wordsmith. I didn’t see it coming like most people. I asked him, “Evander, how did you win more heavyweight championships than anyone else in history?” He said, “That’s easy. I have a higher standard.” “What do you mean?” He went, “I showed up early. I left late. I invented exercises at a higher standard and I won more championships than anyone.” I went, “Didn’t it hurt being in a fight?” He said, “It hurts, but when you’re in a fight, you don’t focus on the pain. You don’t focus on the blows. As soon as you focus on the pain, you end up on your back, knocked out. That’s what people do outside the ring. They focus on gas prices, the war economy, and then they wonder why they never became a champion.”
He pulled me in tight. An Adonis of a man, missing half an ear bitten off by Mike Tyson. He said, “The funny thing is when you do win the championship, everyone comes to their feet. They chant your name. They raise your hand in victory. The guy puts a big shiny belt around your waist. At that moment, and at that second, you don’t feel even one of the punches you took along the journey. The guy in the losing locker room will have every bruise and every excuse for the rest of their life wishing they had a higher standard.”
I love that story. I think we need to hear it now more than ever because many people are taking blows, being laid off, or not having a job, their businesses hurting. Take the time, create your own different exercise and standard and you’ll be surprised. In the end, when we get through this, maybe we might not have a golden belt, but you’ll be raising your hand in victory out there. If you need that positive energy, you need that positive lift. Check it out, Check out the livestream, trust me, you will love it. You’ll be glad that you made that knock happen for you. Greg, thanks. I know you’ve got a busy time and schedule. I’m honored to have you here as always. Be safe and if we can do anything, let us know.
I’ll talk to you soon.
Important Links:
- Three Feet From Gold
- Greg Reid
- Wealth Made Easy
- Success and Something Greater
- Make-A-Wish
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Outwitting the Devil
About Dr. Greg Reid
Greg S. Reid is an American filmmaker, motivational keynote speaker[1] and best-selling author, best known for his book series titled Think and Grow Rich and Think and Grow Rich (Series) which was authorized by The Napoleon Hill Foundation.[2] He has been published in over 78 books, 32 best sellers, five motion pictures, and featured in many magazines.[3] Reid is also the creator and producer on the International acclaimed films Pass It On, and Three Feet From Gold.[4] His unique style has made him a highly sought-after keynote speaker for corporations, universities and charitable organizations.[5] Reid currently runs the Forbes recommended mastermind Secret Knock.[6]
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