You might have heard a lot of success stories in the real estate industry and wondered if you’re capable of succeeding too. You won’t know until you try. In this episode, Scott talks with long-time investor and Realtor Jennifer Murtland about working with Realtors and the dos and don’ts when asking them to help you as a new investor. Jennifer shares her knowledge from being in the real estate business for 12 years, and she is a licensed agent in both Ohio and Kentucky and does business in Portugal. Listening to this episode will be good for you, especially if you are trying to invest in real estate!
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The Key To Working With Realtors With Jennifer Murtland
This is Jennifer Murtland from the Real Estate Fight Club podcast and on this episode of the show, we are going to talk about the tips that you need to know on how to work and find the best real estate agent.
In this episode, we’ve got a very special guest. She is somebody out of a market that we invest in quite a bit. She is a fellow investor who’s also turned into a very successful realtor, world traveler, fellow foodie and somebody who has her pulse on one of the top markets that we spend a long time. That’s the Buckeye State, Ohio, specifically the Cincinnati market. We’re honored to have this rockstar who is kicking ass and taking names. She is a pleasure to talk with. I’m sure we’ll have a few laughs on this episode. Who am I talking about? I’m talking about the amazing Jennifer Murtland. As I said, she is a realtor, investor and the cohost of the Real Estate Fight Club podcast. Check that out anywhere you listen to podcasts. Jennifer, welcome to the show.

Working With Realtors: If it’s your first time investing, you’ve need to be willing to understand that like you’re going to make mistakes and just make the mistakes really quickly.
How are you doing, Scott?
I’m doing great. I’m feeling back to normal after a case of the flu. You’ve got your pulse in the market there we were talking about beforehand. I was honored to be on your show.
That was pretty fun. You and I have a passion for leveraging your income, passive income or whatever you want to call it. There are a lot of myths around buying notes so I was glad you were able to come on and clear that up.
There’s always that thing where people think when you’re talking about notes, you’re talking about owner financing and that’s roughly it. I wanted to bring you on because as this thing comes out at the end of December or the beginning of January 2022, a lot of people are setting goals for the new year with what they want to do in investing in real estate or they’re re-evaluating their markets. We’re seeing crazy markets out there, especially on the retail side of things where you see a lot of these iBuyers, Zillow or these other companies out there canceling contracts.
They’re not only canceling contracts. Those are a billion dollars-plus worth of contracts. That’s insanity.
I think it goes to show why it’s so important to have somebody to work with. A lot of those gurus out there are like, “You can do real estate without a realtor. What do you need that for?” I’m like, “No.” You need to have somebody who knows what the heck they’re doing. When you try to do it all by yourself, you end up looking like a nebulite tan for a showerhead.
Unfortunately, a lot of my colleagues are not good but if you’re going to have a terrible realtor, you’re better off doing it yourself. The 10% of us that are very good at our jobs get one of those.
You’re not giving a lot of love out there, “90% of realtors are bad.” This sounds like the name of the show all of a sudden now. How do you find the 10% realtor who knows what the heck they’re doing, who’s going to help you out and be an asset to your business?
How do you find a good realtor that can help you? We get a lot of these calls that are from brand new investors. In the classes, they’re like, “Find your power team. Go find a realtor,” and then they call. You can always tell those people but on the other side, as an investor, you can tell a new realtor too. If you’re an investor and you’re looking to invest in real estate, you’ve got to find an agent that when they talk, seems like they know what the hell they’re doing. They understand what investors do and they understand what wholesaling is. They realize wholesaling is not illegal. They have a process for finding off-market stuff. They have a pro forma that they use to verify properties. You could tell.
That’s the thing too. The big red flag is, “I’m a new investor. I want to write twenty contracts.” Don’t waste your time for an hour and blasting out twenty contracts. You’ll see that to this day. We still see that where people are like, “Get a realtor. Flood the market with twenty offers.” It’s such a competitive market. That shit doesn’t work anymore. You have to do your due diligence. You need to know what’s going on and have some type of pro forma, as you said.
If you’re interviewing an agent, we want to know how many investors do you work with but it depends on your strategy. In Cincinnati, we have a more solid buy-and-hold strategy. It’s a little bit low return when compared to 2008 or 2010 but it’s better than the fix and flips right now. We don’t have the spread here. Does any market have the spread?
We don’t see a lot of that. That’s the thing with the fix and flippers or the guys and gals that are trying to buy REOs or want to be an REO buyer. They’re hoping to get discounts. I tell people that it’s not the same market. You’ve got to evolve. You’ve got to go in that buy and hold model if you’re buying close to retail or market value. That’s where you got to look at things. That’s where you’ve got to have your systems down. That’s where you don’t over rehab properties, which we all know a lot of new investors will do.
You can also look at the pictures and say, “What is the estimate that we think that this is going to take to get up to the rent that we want it?” I can look at a property and say, “This is what it will rent for.” If the agent doesn’t have an idea because they don’t do rentals, it’s not the right agent for you.
That’s the thing. I think the myth of that is if an agent tells you they’re good at both residential and commercial, they’re not good at either.That’s true.A lot of our students are investing out of state. They’re looking at notes or properties out of state and they’re looking for somebody to pull a value, maybe a quick CMA and not do a full full-blown BPO. What are some things that people could say or discuss trying to get somebody to help them out with pulling some initial values?
That’s a good question because that’s a hard thing. The way that real estate agents earn money is by commission. It’s not hard to pull a CMA but you can also do an automated value in a lot of ways. You can pull stuff online but you do have to get in a relationship. I have a few investors that I do work with that if they ask me, “Could I pull this value?” I’ll do it because when they do buy, they pull me in. Even if they buy off-market stuff, they pull me in but I’ve had a long relationship with them. That’s a tough question.
That’s the thing. We look at an appraisal and it’s going to be $400. An external appraisal is going to run you somewhere between $125 and $185. Ask the realtor to spend a little bit of time doing it. I’m glad to pay $50 for twenty minutes of time if they all jump online, give me an evaluation and if it’s easy for them to drive by and give me a photo for me to make sure that the photo matches up with the online evaluation. One of the greatest tools that people forget about is the real property reports that NAR offers. The NAR RPR reports are free.

Working With Realtors: If you’re a brand new investor, you have to make mistakes, get them out of the way, and then really learn and figure out what works for you. You don’t know what’s going to work until you try it.
There are a lot of ways to get the free ones. I had thought about that too about paying the agent because they used to pay for BPOs back in the day. I make $300 an hour so that $50 is not that enticing. It depends. Are the values that they’re pulling going to be the value of the property? I’m not sure that they’re working day-to-day in the business. You’re better off befriending an agent but you have to be honest with yourself like, “Am I willing to pull the trigger? What am I looking for?” If you tell me, “I’m looking for a buy and hold. I want a 15% return on my investment. Here’s the house,” I’ll be like, “This is not happening. I don’t even have to go out there. There’s no way.”
You speak the truth. Here’s the one thing. A lot of people when they hear honesty from people, they want to overrule it. You’re talking to somebody who’s got experience and who’s boots on the ground. You took a class from somebody hundreds of miles away and who is not in a definite market.
They wrote the class many years ago.
That’s different from buying real estate in a specific market. You’re taking a class from somebody in a local market that’s fix and flipping versus a lot of these traveling circuses from HGTV or Than Merrill’s, “Come to Austin. We’re going to show you how to fix and flip houses in Austin.” That doesn’t work.
If it’s your first time investing, you’ve got to be willing to understand that you’re going to make mistakes but make the mistakes quickly. The average return on investment in Cincinnati on a buy and hold is 6% to 8%. If you get 8%, that’s pretty good. It’s not that high so be honest with yourself because you’re practicing too.
You have to know the markets. That’s why I like the note business because we’re often taking over assets a lot cheaper than retail buyers so the possibility exists for us to make a double-digit return. We’re going to get them back on track, do a modification or a deed in lieu and take the property back.
I’ve been telling people that too. If you want higher returns, you have to look at other vehicles because buy and hold are not doing it.” There are hardly any fixed and flips with that really spread. Look at notes. You can do REITs. You can do better on the stock market.
I’m glad you brought this up because of your background, being in wholesaling or short sale side, with the market being where it’s at, are you seeing an increase in short sales or distressed listings?
I haven’t seen it yet but I know it’s coming. I started wholesaling in 2008 and 2009 when short sales were huge back then. We were wholesaling short sales before I became a real estate agent. I’m not seeing them but I know they’re coming. I don’t know what the extent is going to be and it won’t be to the extent as it was before because people are not underwater. The short sale is going to be a little bit different.
It’s like a discounted settlement a little bit. One of the things that we’re seeing pop up across the country are new home builds where people get in and the taxes aren’t calculated initially on the right side because it’s still based on the raw land or the lot improvements. They get that nice $4,000 bill after they’ve been into it and then they didn’t budget for that.
You also need a realtor when you do that because a good realtor and a good lender are going to be like, “What are the taxes going to be later?” If everybody thinks that there are going to be short sales and foreclosures, the issue is going to be that they’ll have no place to live so this is where if you do want to buy and hold strategy, the rents are really high but I don’t see them going down. I don’t know how it would be possible because if all the iBuyers who were holding for rentals are selling and we’re going to have more tenants in the pool looking for houses, it will keep rents high.
We see that happening not just in San Francisco and Austin where that middle-class is getting squeezed out. They don’t want to move into something small but if they sell their house now, they can’t buy anything to move into. That’s why you’re seeing the transitions from the people living on the West Coast moving to Austin or people moving from San Francisco to Vegas. Reno is a booming market because it’s much more affordable in a lot of cases out there. If you look in your market, Ohio, you’ve got Cincinnati and Columbus. Those are, I guess I would say, the two brightest stars but you also see a lot of activity in Toledo, Canton and some of the other areas that are there.
It could be a good opportunity. If you were doing owner financing or hard money to people who can’t get loans then you can get a higher return on your investment. It’s a weird thing because if interest rates stay low, it’s going to be hard to ask for 10% or 12% but we’re assuming that interest rates are going to go up and if interest rates go up and they can’t find a place to buy and the rent is too high, there’s an opportunity there for people if you have cash.
You also look at those that can’t qualify. You shouldn’t give somebody a 3% loan if they can’t qualify for the bank.
It makes me think of another point too. There are a lot of realtors out there that also do property management. If you’re a residential agent or a commercial agent, you’re one or the other. You’re usually not both or you don’t do both very well. I think the same holds true for real estate agents that are also property managers. You’re one or the other and you’re better at one or the other. You’re not great at both. It’s easier to find a good realtor than a good property manager.
That’s because a lot of times for the property managers, it’s not their full-time bag. It’s a part-time thing and a part-time activity to it so they’re not the most aggressive when it comes to evictions, sending out those five-day notices or targeting people because they’re busy running around doing other things versus showing up and knocking on the door.
I would probably separate that out. If you’re going to be looking to buy and hold, have a property manager separate from the realtor.
It’s important. You’re also licensed in Kentucky. How is Kentucky different from Ohio for you? Do you see a lot of differences when it comes to activity, price points and stuff like that?

Working With Realtors: You have to try stuff, but also know when to pull out.
In Kentucky, it depends on what you want. A Kentucky buyer can get something better and closer to the city than you can in Cincinnati, which is nice. It’s a little bit cheaper to live in Kentucky from a tax standpoint. I have people all the time that want to be in Ohio but they want to be close to the city. I’m like, “We need to look at Kentucky because you can get a brand-new build for a lot better and cheaper and you’ll have to go pretty far out in Cincinnati to get that.”
That area is growing.
From my house in downtown Cincinnati, I can walk to Kentucky.
For the Kentucky family reading this out there, we like Kentucky. It’s okay. We don’t buy a lot of debt there because they have some weird stipulations when it comes to buying debt in Kentucky. They want you to have a $500,000 personal bond or a $1 million bond. It’s a bit of an extreme thing. It’s one of the few states that requires that.
The other thing that I was thinking too is if you are going to buy and hold, know that the eviction process to each county is different. Here in Cincinnati and some counties are better than others. There are certain counties in Cincinnati I will not buy property at because their eviction proceedings drag out so long. There are certain counties where it’s landlord-friendly. Once they don’t pay, you get your house back in a minute.
What are some of those counties that you like and the ones that you dislike?
I like Hamilton County and Warren County. I dislike Clermont County.
Is it a little corrupt like Crook County over in Chicago?
I don’t think so. It’s not corrupt. Maybe it is but the rules are different. They give the tenant so long to stay and it’s like, “They haven’t paid. I need my place back.” It’s ridiculous.
We’ve seen it. We bought a lot of contracts for deeds in Ohio and an eviction on a contract for deed can take a little while. It’s almost like foreclosing. It takes 6 to 9 months to do that but it all comes down to communication with the borrower. Sometimes it’s easier to grease the wheels by giving them the check the walk away.
It depends but you make a good point. I’ve had this conversation at least four times. I know you and you are not somebody who’s going to go knock on a door and be like, “You owe me money,” and you’re not going to pull the trigger on the eviction. If that is not you, you should not buy rentals. If you’re not the type of person that can fix anything, you don’t have connections or you only plan on buying one, you’ve got to look at other vehicles like notes or something else.
It’s leaning more passively through a fund or a hard money fund.
It’s something elsewhere, it’s hands-off but that’s all about being honest with yourself where you’re like, “What am I going to do?”
Let’s talk about some of those bigger firms that have realized that this is not what they should have been doing. I don’t think Redfin has a lot of the iBuyers but Zillow is the biggest one for the $400 billion in contract cancellation or $565 million loss.
The loss that they’re taking is insane. I guess they weren’t paying attention. How do you get into that much trouble?
They overpay thinking that they’ve got cheaper money. They overpay because they’ve got funding but then I think the biggest thing is they did not expect the cost of materials to increase quite a bit. They got hammered by delays with evictions and foreclosure moratoriums as well in a lot of cases. Their numbers are always going to keep going up and I think they saw it.
Everybody knew they were overpaying or at least we did because every deal was like, “You have this buyer or the iBuyer who’s paying you more and they say they’re giving you cash.” You should take that. Why wouldn’t you? How do they keep doing that? How can they keep overpaying for stuff? You can’t. That eventually falls and I would hate to lose $500 million.
The opportunity that comes in pretty well, are you seeing some of those back on the market?
Yeah, they’re dropping their prices too.
It almost made me think it might be good to reach out to them and say, “We’ll take these off your hands and help you avoid your loss. We’ll carry financing for a year.” Do you know what I mean?
Subject to deals are starting to get a lot more popular with people coming into the market or getting out of houses. They got great interest rates but they’ve got to move or they can’t afford the payments.
I haven’t seen a lot of those come up. I did see more back in the day but we’re pretty conservative and people get nervous.
That’s the thing. It’s a marketing play that you’ve got to look at. You’ve got to have your disclosures and you’ve got to have people.
I see a lot of investors considering getting their real estate license. It depends on who you are but I don’t usually recommend it because then you have so many extra disclosures and all these other things. I don’t know if it’s worth it. The fees are pretty high to be a realtor.
You get your annual dues to the MLS. What other fees do you have involved with that?
You have local state and national dues. It’s like, “For what reason? Is it so you can pull comps?” That seems ridiculous. Why not be a realtor’s assistant and get an assistant log-in?
There you go.
I don’t know if you’re allowed to do that. Don’t tell on me.
I’ll say, “Are you offering that in the Cincinnati area?”
I’m not offering that but this is why you got to get in a relationship. You think about it, “What is the purpose of getting the license? Is it so you can sell your own properties?” That’s also not a good idea because you, as an investor and me, as a real estate agent, I’ve so many more properties than you representing a client. You should never represent yourself or your LLC. You will not get the most amount of money for the property. You will end up giving stuff away or you’ll do something wrong and you’ll lose a bunch of money.
It’s good to have that arm’s length transaction a little bit. Let somebody else fix the emotion out of it in a lot of cases. What are you invested in?
I’m a buy-and-hold girl.
Is there a rent base that you look at with buy and hold? I’ve got a buddy in Columbus. He says that anything below $600 is like a two-gun alley. You can make money at it but you got to go with two guns. Is there a rent floor that you like to look at in Cincinnati that you won’t even look at?
Yeah and it’s higher than that. I like to rent to tenants that are similar to me. They are normal people that have good jobs. If there’s a problem, they know how to communicate. They’re reasonable people. Most of my tenants were past clients or future clients. I like the $1,200 to $1,700. They hardly give me any problems. It’s perfect. Plus, I like to travel. If I’m in Asia, it’s a twelve-hour difference there. I manage my own properties and I don’t want to have to be taking calls. I get in there and renovate them. I put somebody in there. They usually stay for a while and it’s all gravy. It’s a lower return than the war zones but I don’t have a headache.
Also, the risk of getting shot at. I’ve been shot at before in walking through different properties.

Working With Realtors: If you want higher returns, you have to look at other vehicles because buy and hold is not doing it.
You don’t want to get shot at. I used to own a property management company and we managed over 180 rentals. Ninety percent of them were subsidized or low-income and it was such a nightmare. We could all probably write books about the things that we’ve seen, heard and done but I was like, “I want to travel. I want it to be easy. I don’t want a headache. I’m in it for the long haul. Let me get my 6% or 7% return, not have a headache and call it a day. We offered to the tenants on the backend like, “If you end up buying a house and you use us as your realtors then we won’t worry about the actual end date of your lease contract.” That has worked out pretty well.
That’s a very great clause to have in there. If you use us as an agent, that avoids you with that cringe when you find out your tenants are moving out because they bought a property.
I’d be pissed but I make them stay for at least six months so you have to be in there for at least six months and then you can buy whatever.
You’ve probably seen them stay a lot longer than a year.
They stay a lot longer. They stay there for years and then they do use us. I’ve only had one person not use us and it was super weird but he was weird. Everybody else uses us.
You said something there and I’m going to come back to it. You enjoy traveling. You’ve been over 17, 18 or 19 different countries out there. Is that correct?
I have been to seventeen in one year. I’ve been to a lot.
You said something about how you found your lane. You found what you like to do and focus on. I think that’s so important and many investors and people looking into real estate get the idea of being a Jack of all trades. They’re like, “I’m going to do this and this,” and you’re never going to be a master of any of those. You’ve found your lane. You’re happy with where you’re at. You avoid the nightmares of the one-off craziness.
I was a lot more diversified in where my properties were but now, I know what to expect from this tenant base and these parts of town. There are three parts of town that I like to work in. I know how much the houses cost, what I’m getting and what the tenants are. It’s a rinse and repeat. That’s what we do. I’d be like, “This is what I can offer. You can either take it or not take it. I don’t really care,” and here we are. We’ve moved on.
Systemize your life and you’ll be a lot happier versus a new life.
Once you make enough mistakes, you’ll be like, “I’m not going to deal with that again. Here’s where I want to stay,” but again, back to our point in the beginning, if you’re a brand-new investor, you have got to make mistakes. Make them fast and make them often. Get them out of the way and then learn and figure out what works for you because you don’t know what’s going to work until you try it.
That brings a good point. Did you have a mentor when you were starting out? Was there somebody that helped coach you? Did you figure it out yourself?
I’m more of a jump and then check to see if I even packed the parachute type of person. When I was a little kid, I would make my mom go to all the open houses. We were in San Francisco. This is the ‘90s. I pull out the paper and I was like, “I want to go to these open houses,” and she was like, “You’re such a weird little kid.” I love houses. I like revitalizing them and fixing them but I don’t do that in my business because it’s too much money and the return is not there for that type of stuff. We tried it and did it. I was like, “I don’t like that. That doesn’t work. Let’s do something else.” My mom did help me. She was the processor of the short sales and then we used her IRA to buy some of the first properties. That was pretty exciting. I messed up with her money.
How long have you been a realtor?
I’ve been an investor and a realtor for many years.
You’ve been through a trend because we had the crazy trend there. That’s the thing I always crack up at. You want to work with somebody who’s been through an up and a down market, not somebody who signed up weeks ago or has never been through a downtrend. We saw that happen here in Austin. We had 12,000 realtors before the crash and then after the crash, there were 3,500.
I’m creating a position called the czars of real estate of the world. You can vote for me and I’ll purge. They’ll have their own license. They are the investor-only real estate agents and then you’ll know exactly who to go to.
That’s not a bad idea. That would give NAR something to add as another due. You’ll have the little initials to put on the backend of your license that says investor qualified.
Not because you took one class and they were like, “Here’s how you work with investors.” They don’t know.
You’ve closed on some deals. You got some hugs to show. You’ve got some deeds.
It’s renewable every year and if you don’t close on deals annually enough then you don’t get the designation.
I think that should be a philosophy out there because there are enough douchepreneurs running around peddling stuff that they haven’t closed on. It’s something that they did a few years ago and we don’t see it. I only say this because what got me rock and rolling was HGTVs, the Flip This House originally back in the day.
I ban everybody that I work with from watching those shows while we’re working together. They’re so unrealistic. It’s ridiculous. It’s not what happens. Let me tell you what happens. The contractors don’t show up. It’s 30% more than they said. Everybody’s like, “The budget is 10% more.” Budget 30% more. They’ll find stuff that they didn’t see. You don’t know what you’re doing and we can smell it. The first sentence out of your mouth, I’ll know if you know what you’re doing.
Inspections like subflooring don’t pop up when people are walking around a lot of times. We’re not trying to scare anybody by any means of the imagination. Make sure to work with somebody who’s a qualified expert and not someone who’s got less experience than you do.
It’s going to be hard on your first one because you have to earn the right and the respect. For your first one, you’re going to pay more. You’re going to pay more on repairs and you’re going to pay more to acquire the property. You’re going to pay more because you haven’t done anything. I’ve been working with my contractor for more than ten years. We understand each other. We know what we’re doing. You have to earn that. You’re not just giving it.
Does he show up on time every time?
He does. He’s the best.
That’s a rarity. That’s why you kept working with him for years.
I always say you get 2 of the 3 things on contractors. You either get good communication, good work or good pricing. Good communication is showing up on time. Which of the two of those do you want? You only get 2 of those 3. That’s it. You got to pick and in the beginning, you’re paying.
You’re kissing some frogs to figure things out but that’s also why it’s very important when you’re starting off to make sure you surround yourself with folks. Join a local real estate investment group. Talk with people there who are rehabbing or are doing the things that you’re trying to do and pick their brains.
Don’t you think that before you pick their brains, find out first what have they done? It’s like, “What are you working on now? What did you do in the last year?” Then, pick their brain if they’ve done anything because a lot of people at a lot of these groups have a lot of theories and they’ve been to a lot of classes.
They’re not pulling the trigger. They’re like an educated brain surgeon who’s never gone into surgery.
Exactly. Who would you rather have operating on you?
Somebody that has done a lot of surgeries and not somebody who’s just going to pull out the book and says, “Okay.” What’s a goal that you’ve set for yourself for the new year? 2022 is around the bend. 2021 has been an interesting year and 2020 was a crapshoot for a lot of people.
I bought some properties. I’ve reached my goal for the number of properties I wanted to acquire and the income from those properties. I’m very excited about that. I reached that this 2021.
Thank you very much. I’m looking at diversifying my investments into notes, REITs or Angel investing. That’s a goal I’m working on. What else can I get into? I bought an Ethereum and I made 50% more in three months. I was like, “I’m pulling that shit out.” I don’t know anything about Bitcoin or Ethereum but that’s good. I’ll take that.
That’s like gambling in Vegas. The house usually wins in that. It’s usually not the investors in a lot of cases. You said something there. If you’re going to invest in something, you should learn everything you can about what you’re investing in.
I remember what I said but I don’t ever do that. I try stuff but I also know when to pull out. I’m like, “This seems pretty high. I don’t know anything about it but a 50% return on my money in three months makes me very happy so I’m going to pull my money out and call it a day.” It did go up but if it would have gone down, I would have been kicking myself to be like, “Pull your money out and go.” I’m happy with the 50% return. I’ll take that every day.
On the properties that you bought, are you fixing these up and turning them into long-term rentals for cash for the most part?
They’re all rentals. I’ve done some owner financing stuff and I do like doing that. I’ll probably get into some of that stuff more but on the hard money side of it, which is like what we talked about. I’ll lend to you if you can’t get a loan but only to a specific population. It’s not for anybody.
Are you saying that you’re going to be profiling people? Is that what you said there? It’s probably more so on a short-term hard money side of things with a higher return there for you and in and out of projects probably.
I’m going to be profiling them financially.
There you go. That’s what lenders do. That’s what you should be doing. Do you mind if people that are knowledgeable and know what the hell they’re doing reach out to you to ask for advice or your opinion?
That’s fine. I really don’t mind. I know I sound mean but I’m just honest.
Honesty is not mean. People say that all the time. They’re like, “You’re mean,” but I’m telling them what they need to hear. I’m not going to waste their time or waste my time.
It doesn’t help anybody. I’m happy to help anybody in Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky or depending on what you want to do, I can direct you to the right people. The best way is you can call or text me, which is (513) 400-1691.
They can also contact you by going to with all your social there too. Is that correct?
Yeah. Everything is there. I’m pretty easy to find. I’m not trying to hide from you.
She’s not and that’s what people think. Also, guys and gals, check out the Real estate Fight Club. It’s a hilarious thing and you have your cohost with that as well too that’s there quite a bit with you.
Yeah. My cohost is Monica Weakley. It’s for real estate agents and it’s pretty funny.
I was listening to a couple of episodes. It’s cracking up on stuff like that but that’s a great thing. I don’t think a lot of real estate agents understand the power of that branding side of things and helping investors or buyers get to know who their agent is with a podcast. I hate to say this but we often find realtors are cheap when it comes to marketing themselves because they’re broke most of the time. They don’t understand investment marketing.
The average agent makes $40,000 a year. Can you believe that? I’m like, “What the hell are you doing?” They’re selling five houses. What are you doing in a year? Can you imagine if you only did your job five times a year? Don’t use that realtor.
Even if it’s your spouse.
Don’t use your spouse. If you are a real estate agent, we are looking to partner with more agents. We can help them grow their business and all that so reach out to us.
Those are very good stuff there. Her website is or reach out to her. It has been a pleasure talking with you. I’m looking forward to sending some business your way because it’s one of the markets we’re focused on. I look forward to your continued growth in the new year.
Let’s do it. Thanks, Scott.
Thanks. That’s going to wrap it up for this episode of the show. If Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky is a market you’re investing in, you need somebody who’s solid and you’re going to treat them with respect like you want to be treated, reach out to Jennifer and talk about it. Otherwise, connect with her online. Make sure you hit the subscribe button to our episodes, that five-star review as well and check out her show too. Go out, take some action and we’ll see you at the top.
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