EP NNA 24 – Raising Private Capital

NNA 24 | Raising Private Capital

NNA 24 | Raising Private Capital


Every business owner knows that raising private capital works at the heart of their businesses. It is what sustains it and enables them to connect with people. However, this can be quite a struggle. Scott discusses some of the easier ways of raising private capital and expanding your audience to attract investors with funding. He shares how you can get interested parties to engage in conversations, utilizing tools from PowerPoint presentation and more. Learn how to expand your database and how to get the word out to the masses on what you’re doing.

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Raising Private Capital

We’re talking about raising private capital. I like to start off with a goal and a plan. If you don’t have a goal, you are planning to fail. Have a goal and a plan, otherwise, you’re going to be banging yourself running in circles and not have a lot of success. We’ve got a five-year goal to help educate and create 10,000 new note investors. As we’re coming to the end of year one, we’re on our pace to hit our first-year goals. I want to thank all of you who have been a part of that and have learned, gone through workshops and things like that. We have our final Fast Track training of the year, November 9th to 11th. It’s the last one for you to be able to come in, get your spot and then make it to the Note Mastermind. We’ve got three spots available. That’s it for that Friday, Saturday and Sunday with me here at Austin, Texas. That’s all we’ve got left available in 2018. If you want to take your business the next level 2019, you should probably be there. Note CAMP is November 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th. It’s a half-day on the 15th, so we start off half-day on a Thursday. We’re working some great stuff out for that as well. We have our final Virtual Workshop on November 30th through December 2nd. A lot of people have been reaching out to us. It’s an online event. Our Note Mastermind group will be taking place December 7th, 8th, and 9th in Cape Coral, Florida. Five major focus note investing for the rest of the year is with what we’re with.

Do you know someone out there who runs a real estate networking club? Who is looking for speakers in 2019? We are putting the final phases on our calendar year in the next couple of weeks. We want to plan out our 2019 a little more ahead of time. We’re looking for something where it’s a membership and they pay either monthly or annual membership. We’re not looking for a club that’s free to attend. 100 plus at least regular members or people who show up would be great but it’s not a killer. It’s note-focused or real estate investing focused or they’re looking for some note info and they’re looking to add some stuff. If we end up booking, you’re going to earn $500 for helping me book a next year event. If you know somebody, please drop me an email at Scott@WeCloseNotes.com. I would love for you to refer me a little lead and we’ll be glad to take it from there and see what pans out. We’re definitely looking to add some things, new scheduling and some new different areas in 2019. I would love it if you’ve got some stuff you can share with me.

Note CAMP Live is November 15, 16, 17, 18. It’s a three-and-a-half-day event. We’ve got some new speakers joining us this time around in the note business. New vendors, new attorneys, a great content for those of you who will be attending here for the sixth time we’ve done this. I decided to push it out through the November timeframe for the last big event of the year. We’re giving everybody an opportunity to kick butt into December and blast off into 2019. If you go to NoteCAMP.live, it will take you to the website. It is at half-off. It’s normally $599. $299 is the ticket for that. It’s an opportunity for you to get signed up at half-off. In the beginning of November 1st, it will go up. We’ve started a new We Close Notes Brand Ambassador Program. If you go to the link bit.ly/WCNBrand, we’ll reach out to you and would love it that people promote us. We want to start paying you some affiliate splits and stuff like that.

If you’re interested, we would love to have you become a brand ambassador and be a part of our Brand Ambassador Program. This is something we put together and rolling out with you. Go to that link and get paid to promote. Get some splits off of anything you promote in our classes or workshops, even our Mastermind, and our Fast Track training. Some nice high-dollar items there for you, some opportunities for you to put a little bit of money in your pocket. We are launching this. There will be more information. We’re trying to get the information out and see those who are interested in getting signed up. We can start working on our end to put some referral codes and things like that into our CRM so that our brand ambassadors can start sharing them across their social media platform. It’s something I’ve been working on for a little while but finally, I’ve decided to launch it now instead of waiting until the beginning of 2019.

Let’s get into the main content, raising private capital. I’m not going to go through what to say or how to talk to people. What I’m going to do is share with you the ways of how we get interested parties to engage us in the conversation. Once you get somebody on the phone in a one-on-one conversation, great. Most of you know what to do. The whole idea of how to get them to call you is what is most difficult for many of you. This will work exactly for real estate deals, properties. We’re making it real estate or note neutral. What I’m talking about will be good for no matter what type of deals you’re doing. Real estate, fix and flips, whatever I’m sharing with you will work for you across to help expand your knowledge and your database.

Starting With Deals

It all starts with deals and I don’t care if it’s a note deal, a fix and flip deal, an REO that you’re working through, it doesn’t matter. What you want to do is create a deal-based PowerPoint. We’re not talking a freaking 30, 40, 50-page PowerPoint. We don’t want to do that. We want to try to talk about either the deals that you have closed, with a hook for them to contact you for more information or talk about deals you’re working on and trying to get them, “If you’re interested and would like to fund a deal, reach out to me.” Those are the two bases. Deals you’ve closed or deals you’re looking to fund. It doesn’t have to be notes because I’m not going into the nuts and bolts aspect of the specific note deal or fix and flip deal. We’re talking about raising private capital from the masses, so you’ve got people coming to you, so you can be particular about what investment you use or what investor you use.

The idea is for this aspect of what I’m talking about is 30 minutes is an optimal time. I call it a lunch and learn. You can do a webinar over a lunch break. You got to do it four times a day, in the morning lunch break and in the afternoon, whatever. You can have a rotating PowerPoint on it. You don’t want to be too long. Ten to fifteen slides and use a 10-20-30 method. What I mean by that is if you’re using ten slides that should be about twenty minutes of content and you want to make sure the font’s at least 30.5. If you’re going to do a 30-minute timeslot, that’s probably going to be about fifteen slides 30.5 fonts. Keep them ten or fifteen slides. We don’t want to be killing them with 60 deals. What happens after an hour is you start losing people off if you do it during a lunch break or in the morning. An hour is a magical time for a webinar. It’s why we try to have these mostly be an hour if we can. 30 minutes is an optimal time. It keeps people engaged. It’s enough information talking 30 minutes about your deals. It also gives them the hook. You want to make sure your hook is clear.

What I mean by your hook is that at the end of your presentation, you want to make sure you either have them contact you, email you or opt-in to a website. Something like opt-in, send a message back, make a phone call back or text DEALS to 72000. We used a webinar. We talked about 33 different deals that we’re working on. We raised capital for it in roughly a week off of just a webinar. I have a bigger database than most people, but this is going to work when the go through is good enough for you to use if you’ve got a small database. Some of the things I’m going to tell you are how to expand that database and how to get the word out to the masses of what you’re focused on.

You want to take your marketing to the next step. If you’re going to do a lunch and learn, record it. You can do that in a variety of ways. You can use Google Hangouts, which automatically records it and upload to YouTube. You can use Zoom.US. The nice thing is sharing this across the platform to Facebook as well. You can also use GoToWebinar. A lot of people like to use GoToWebinar. I’ve used it for years. You want to share that video. If you’re not going to go live, go ahead then download the file then upload it to Facebook or YouTube. If you can share it automatically, share it with one of those platforms where you have a bigger audience. I’m using Zoom and I make sure to air it to Facebook Live. I can download the video and then re-upload it to YouTube and then to my Vimeo account as well. That creates a link on there and then I’ll take that link and share it to Facebook and across my different platforms.

NNA 24 | Raising Private Capital

Raising Private Capital: When your hook is clear, people are going to want to contact you, email you, or opt-in to a website.


I was speaking somewhere before. It was a smaller audience and I went ahead and hit share to it. A couple hundred people watched the video when I shared versus those just in person. Some of you guys and gals that are getting frustrated see that. I hear from you guys and gals, “I’ve got some deals but nobody’s funding my deals.” How many people did you share it to? How many people saw your post? I’m like, “You’ve only got 100 Facebook friends. They’re not going to see it all the time,” or you’ve only got a few LinkedIn connections. You got to work to get the word out of what you’re doing to help out. I spoke at a Magnify Your Wealth Summit. There were about 130 people at the event. A good half of the room I’d already known, I’ve spoken to before. I want to maximize my audience. I want to maximize my views of my message. My message, in this case, was about note investing. For many of you, your message is about your deals, it’s about your notes, it’s about your fix and flips. It doesn’t look good. It’s all fuzzy, not well-lit or you’re driving down the road and you Facebook Live it. Sorry, Dan Zitofsky, but you need to stop doing that. Take some time. Put a PowerPoint together about your deals, about the stuff that you’re focused on. I guarantee you’ll be able to rinse and repeat it and share it across a lot of platforms at once over and over again. It will work like 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year advertising for you.

Do you want to sit and talk for 365 days straight about what you’re doing? The answer to that is no. Take some time. Put a nice little PowerPoint together. 30 minutes, that’s fifteen slides. Your first slide’s your info. The last slide’s your contact information. You have thirteen slides in the middle to talk about five or six case studies. Those are great nuggets for people to be able to digest over a 30-minute lunch break or a 30-minute commute if they’re on their way home listening on a webinar. Watching on Facebook Live, at night or doing something where you set it up and repeat for different hours. If you’ve got a 30-minute webinar if you have it across different platforms of, “Lunch, this time. Lunch, this time.” When you take them and upload your video to YouTube, you want to make sure you have a clear title, “Here are my non-performing note case studies,” or something similar that talks about exactly what you want to do. It’s also important you have a nice shiny thumbnail about what you’re doing. My thumbnail in the last video was the 33 Piggies. What’s also important is in the description, the little box below your Vimeo account or YouTube description, to put some stuff in there. The minute you upload a video to YouTube, YouTube starts working its magic to go out and find you people to like it or people to watch your stuff. If you don’t have a title, you don’t have a description in there, and it hurts you and your views.

I found this out the hard way from Dana Garrison, a YouTube video educator and social media expert. I was like, “I hurt myself because I upload videos immediately, but I don’t take the time to put the descriptions until a while later.” You also want to put your website as one of the first lines of your description. Put the HTTP links. It becomes a clickable link so when people are watching the video, your link is a clickable link to take them straight to your website. That helps with your hook. If people are watching your video, afterward they say, “Go to my video or go to my website,” they can click on it right there from the description. That’s a smart aspect of it for raising capital.

What’s also important is to practice that. Once you upload the video after you record it, make sure to put the tags down there. The tags could be private money. It should be self-directed IRAs, 401(k), cashflow, real estate investment, short sales, foreclosures, notes, turnkeys or a whole variety of things on there. You can put a lot of tags or keywords in the bottom tag thing of your YouTube video or Vimeo video that will help drive people to see your video, to help you raise capital 365 days out of the year. The biggest thing you want to do next is to share it. Uploading it doesn’t do you any good if you only have a few people that follow you. What you want to do is share it. Sharing it to your Facebook page isn’t enough. Most of you’ve got 35,000 followers or 33,000 people that like your page, most of you don’t. What I’m going to share with you is how to leverage some large groups and other things to help get the word out on what you’re doing.

Growing With Groups

Facebook groups are a great place to grow. There are some decent sized Facebook groups, a couple thousand here, a couple thousand there that helps get the word out to what you’re doing. There are some massive LinkedIn groups out there as well, hundred thousand members that you can post to. We have a question, “Do you use any video syndication services?” I definitely do. I use a thing called Repurpose.io. Once I upload into a Facebook Live, it will automatically get it prepared to share it to my YouTube channel. I’ve got to go and log in to Repurpose.io and share one thing to it. You can also use a service called Live Leap if you’ve got multiple pages that you manage or multiple groups. We’ve got a bunch of 40 different Note Closer Facebook groups that are smaller. We use Live Leap from time to time to share that message, share that webinar, and share a podcast to go across all those groups, which are easy. It’s $30 a month something like that for each one of those. It’s well worth it. It saves a lot of time but it also gets the word out to what you’re doing as well.

A lot of people are not using BiggerPockets effectively. BiggerPockets is a great way to raise capital. Meetup groups are another great place. I’m not just talking about going to a Meetup, I’m talking about taking what you created and sharing it across different groups out there. There are discussion boards. Their mailing lists are also available a lot of the time. Some people are also using Connected Investors. I don’t mess around with it, but I want to at least throw that out there for some of you who are members of that. There are a couple of great ways to use that. The old Mr. Reliable, Mr. Craigslist. People are still using Craigslist to attract investors from all across the country and across the world to invest with them.

I’m going to use the example of my presentation from Quest IRA at the Quest Expo. I had the presentation Back To The Future Investing. It’s a great presentation of me speaking on stage. I had a PowerPoint of that. I also did Note Night In America with this. You can create something different. “Here’s about my business. Here’s what I do,” that thing to get the word out on what you’re doing so that people can opt-in, check out your website, follow you or look to invest with you. We have a question, “How about Alignable?” I don’t know about Alignable, I don’t know what that is. I’m not sure what that is if it’s a video service. Somebody did mention Alignable. If it’s more like LinkedIn, then I probably wouldn’t waste my time with it. If you’ve got LinkedIn, I would just use LinkedIn. You could use the free version of LinkedIn. For BiggerPockets, you’re going to want to have the paid version.

We have a question, “For those who are not Craigslist-savvy, are there boards or groups you should post to?” This is something we’ve been using from time to time in a variety of things. This is one that’s been working for years. We used to get investors from California all the time to come to invest in stuff. Change from nearby to US cities. Let’s say San Francisco Bay Area. Let’s look at housing, office commercial or real estate for sale. This will work sometimes, a lot of times it won’t work on a post. I’m going to say the City of San Francisco. Bypass the next step. Housing offered. “Looking for real estate deals.” “Are you a California investor looking for real estate deals?”  One of the things I also did is I uploaded my video to Vimeo of me speaking. I’ll pull up my to my Vimeo account and pull up the video. I’m going to share it. In your case, you would put a link to your PowerPoint presentation of some deals you’ve done before. “Here is a presentation I did on the market and the pending downturn. Give me a call to discuss the available opportunities that I have right now.” Email address Scott@WeCloseNotes.com. I’ll show my real email address. may want to add images of your property to this. It’s a great thing to do this. If you’ve got properties available in your PowerPoint, you could throw those in there. I’m going to add the image in there. Pictures always help with deals. I’m done with images and I’ll hit publish.

It’s going to send me an invite and then I’ll make sure to go and approve it to publish my ad. That is an easy way to do it. The reason I get at this is there are people all across the country looking for deals. California people will slice their grandmother’s throat for a six cap. You may want to post this, and the services offered as well, “I’ve got some nonperforming note deals.” People are like, “Do you have a webinar going?” They can’t answer an email. They can’t click on it to register. I use both Vimeo and YouTube. Vimeo has better stuff for me to be able to edit with what I do with my education site. I like to post in San Francisco, the Bay Area, LA, Orange County, and San Diego. There are a lot of people looking for real estate deals. Never talk about guaranteed rates. You always want to get people interested like, “Here’s a link to the video. Here’s a link to my PowerPoint.” That’s basic. You can take your PowerPoint and put it in SlideShare.net. Allow people to be able to click onto your slides and go through them versus watching. I would do both. Let me give you an example. If I go to my uploads, I can see if it gets hit. There are a lot of things here. Back To The Future, 93 people viewed this one. The PowerPoint had two downloads. Another marketing thing I did at another event was 55 views. Twenty views on Note Case Studies at Ohio. Note Night in America is 75 and 107 views, especially for the Due Diligence. 180 views for Singer Law Group, that was the deals that we did and the case studies. 180 people viewed it, only for downloaded it months ago. NPN is with 165 views.

NNA 24 | Raising Private Capital

Raising Private Capital: Meetup groups is a great place to take what you created and share it across different groups out there.


This helps you see who’s looked at your slides. That’s the whole point of uploading the slides. You give people an opportunity. If people want to download it, it’s going to ask for their contact information. It will be able to capture their information and you can follow up with an email or phone call to them afterward. Most of you don’t need Vimeo. You just need to use YouTube. What you might also want to do is if you upload your PowerPoint presentation to SlideShare, it’s going to give you a specific link. Take that link and put that in the description on your YouTube video. People can click on it and then take them straight to your PowerPoint presentation. LinkedIn has a lot of groups. I’m going to go to my groups, so you can only see some of the big things. I have some different podcast groups I’m a part of. Pete Asmus’, Private Lenders, Brokers and Investors Group has 37,659 members. Pete Asmus’ Commercial Real Estate Investment has 124,490 members. Some of you may have a difference about Pete but he at least has some nice groups here. Self-Directed IRA Summit Discussion Group has 519 members. Roth IRA & Roth 401(k) has 1,432 members. Mortgage Default Servicing Professionals has 9,000 members. Distressed Debt Investing has 12,000 members. Residential Real Estate Cashflow and Finance has 95,000 members. What I’m trying to get here is there are a lot of groups with some big member numbers. Pick a few of them and then go there.

Let’s go to Pete Asmus’ Distressed Real Estate Investment Group. Start a conversation in the group. “I’m a big believer that we are due for a market correction with NPN’s on residential and commercial. Here is a presentation that I did about history repeating itself.” I put a link there to Distressed Notes with Scott Carson. “I’d love to get your feedback. Contact me directly.” The thing you could do is, “I’ve got something. If you’re looking for distressed assets, I’ve got some great deals I’m working through. Here’s a link to a short lunch and learn presentation I did on twelve assets I either closed on or ten assets I’m working through right now.” I’m going to go and copy this whole thing. Then I’m going to go down and hit tags; business, real estate, entrepreneur, branding, entrepreneurship, money. Those are going to go up as hashtags at the bottom. I’m going to copy all of that first and then post. That posts to the group. That just went out to a large number of people. That’s 119,000 members.

Let me go back and find another group. Let’s go to 95,000 Residential Real Estate Cashflow Investing & Finance. I’m going to copy paste that in there. Post it. Some people aren’t going to go and read all this stuff. If you do this regularly enough, all you need is a few people to watch your stuff or a few people to catch up with you on what you’re talking about. What I’m trying to get at here is this is easy to do. It doesn’t cost you any money. I still have the free version of LinkedIn. I don’t have the upgraded version. With the upgraded version you could spend more time there. That’s two things now. That’s Craigslist, which some of you are like, “What the hell? Craigslist?” That’s old-school. There are a lot of people from overseas investing in the United States. If you post in Craigslist England like, “Anybody looking to invest in the United States, Australia or New Zealand? English-speaking countries looking to invest, come with us in the United States.” You’d be surprised who you might see pop up on your way. Take the time and go through your deals, your case studies. “Here’s the stuff that we’ve closed on.”

The paid version of BiggerPockets is the ability to do exactly what I’m going to tell you. I’ve logged in. If you don’t have the paid version you can’t see keywords. I have keywords. I have 338 unread alerts on BiggerPockets. Let me go up and pull this up here, settings. I go there, and I don’t check BiggerPockets all the time. I check about once a week. I have my keywords. Manage my existing keywords; buying mortgages, distressed debt, Eddie Speed, notes, Quest IRA, Scott Carson, SD IRA, SDIRA, WeCloseNotes. I’ll put those in there. If anybody mentions those things in a comment, it gives me an alert. I have 338 alerts pending from people who mentioned something. Some of this stuff, I’m going to delete. Tracy, she’s just selling an asset. That’s fine. I’ll flip through there. What you’ll often have though is something that goes, “I’ve got $50,000. I’ve got $100,000. What should I do with it?” That’s one of the things I’m looking for here.

Note Investing Pricing Strategy, leave that. Mining for Seller Carry Back Notes, that’s great if we’re looking for note investors in Tampa. Keep going back and forth. You’ll see people that’ll pop up there. It says, “Best Cities to invest in under $100,000.” Let’s click on it and see what pops up. If there’s been a lot of comments. Here’s a guy. Donald McCartney. You see Midwest. This guy has posted some here. This should be a great thing. Lee Taylor, “I live and invest in the Warner Robins area of Georgia where the returns and economy are very strong. I wholesale some but try to keep as much as I can.” There have been a lot of comments on this one, which is great. David Waddleton, Rental Property Investor from Los Angeles. “A newbie, question here. Does anyone know where I can find a list or advise me on the best cities to look for investment opportunities, rental, under $100,000? Ideally, I would like to start with $50,000 property but $50,000 to $100,000 is my threshold. I live in LA and you won’t get anything in a safe area for $700,000 plus.” What would I do? I’m going to connect with him. I’m also going to add a message to his invite, “David, I saw your post about looking for affordable markets. I invest in NPN’s, nonperforming notes, in affordable markets. We have a lot of California investors who work with us. I’d love to visit with you and here is a link to a presentation I gave on the market.” I’m going to place that link there. I’ll need the hashtags. “Contact me directly.” Send request to him. I’m not going to do more than five or ten of those direct messages every couple of days because the BiggerPockets police are going to cut it down.

Be sure you won’t make it the same exact thing because it will start to recognize things. The big benefit is there are people out there. Our buddies Wayne Snell and Adam Adams have raised millions of dollars for their note and real estate business by simply doing exactly what I did, going out there, commenting, and sharing. I guarantee Chris Seveney has done the same thing. Contact with people, communicated. This is good stuff because this is how you market. I’m going to say, “I love the Midwest as a note investor. Affordable houses and great rents.” Post, reply. Go on there and communicate. That’s what it’s all about. If you want to talk more, get on there and start answering questions of people in the markets and things like that. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to raise capital for showing that, “I know what I’m doing. Here are my case studies I’ve done.” The biggest thing about BiggerPockets is you have to close deals. You’ve got to be closing some more deals. Keep sharing some of the deals. Sharing, “Here are some of the cases. Here’s what I do. I’d love to talk more.” It’s all about sharing that and getting individual conversations to come back to you. This is not hard. That’s BiggerPockets.

Let’s talk about Meetup groups. Let’s type in Washington DC. District of Columbia. Change the city. I’m looking for Meetup there. Type real estate and search. I’m not going to look at the calendar, I’m looking for groups. I’m going to change it not by recommend. I’m going to make it be the most members. Real Estate Investing/The Real Deal has 7,831 real dealers. I click on that group. I don’t think I’m a member of this one yet. Join the group. It may not be there, it may not work there when I clicked on it. When I see big groups like this, I’ll click on discussions. There are some discussions going on. People are commenting on there. I click on more and more says message boards, mailing list, and polls.

The whole thing of the message boards and the mailing list is that’s where the gold is. Hit more. First, I’ve got to join this group. Most of them don’t cost anything. The Real Deal Monthly is October 27th. The smart thing that many of you should do is if you’re traveling to different parts of the country at any specific times. See if there are Meetup groups available or if there’s a real estate investing club. It’s a smart thing for you to go to network, to meet people locally to help leverage your thing. If anything, it helps you write off your trip. Hit more again, now that we’re a member. Hit more, mailing list. Sometimes the organizers have eliminated the mass mailing list. If that’s the case, that’s the case, it happens sometimes. If someone still left it active, you can send an email to everybody in that Meetup group. People are commenting down below. RealEstate-1208@Meetup.com. If I send an email, I got to send it from the email address that I’m a member of Meetup with, which in this case is Scott@WeCloseNotes.com.

I’ll send an email straight from Scott@WeCloseNotes.com. I’ll send, “Everybody, I’m an investor of nonperforming notes. I’ve got some deals in your area,” or “I’ve got some deals that some people may be interested in potentially joint venturing with me on. Here’s a link to the video I did. Here’s a link to my business about what I do. I’d love to visit with you about this.” That’s what I would do. You only send out three emails in a 24-hour period to this generic Meetup account. Go to my inbox, your email. “Looking for note deals, The Real Deal Meetup. I’m an active nonperforming note investor with many years of history and experience. I’ve got some deals available. Check out my deal video or check out this presentation I did about history repeating itself.” Let me go back to my Vimeo video. Hopefully, it’s the one there. Go back to my email. I don’t want to send this as just text message. I don’t want to put any of that stuff in the bottom. Keep it simple. Scott Carson. My info 585-3810 at Scott@WeCloseNotes.com and I’m going to hit send.

NNA 24 | Raising Private Capital

Raising Private Capital: Take the time to honestly go through your deals. You’d be surprised who you might see pop up on your way.


Go back to mailing list archive. What’s going to happen is it’s going to go out there and you have about a 50/50 shot of either the person approving it or the person declining it. Depends on what you do. If you’re more focused on the deal aspect, you’re going to have better luck with it. If it’s more something neutral or generic, it’s probably not going to get accepted. At least I want to show you how easy it was. Your message just popped up. The message is sent to Real Estate Investing. It must be first be approved by your organizer. We let Charles Blair know about your request and you should hear back shortly. We’ll see if it gets approved or not. If you’re looking for Pittsburgh, I would go on there and look on Pittsburgh stuff as well. Camarillo, California, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Houston, LA, Orange County, you can do that all those searches easily. Click on there and see what pops up. You can also go on here and then post on the discussion board. Click on message board, it’s probably when it is. Then start a new discussion. “Nonperforming notes. Real Deal Investors, I’m an active nonperforming note investor and looking to network with other like-minded investors. I’ve been buying NPN since 2008 and believe we will see a return back to increase in bad debt.” You can also add something.

On the insert video, I can post my YouTube, Google video or Vimeo link there. I’m going to put the embed code in there. “Here’s a short presentation that I gave on the market and history repeating itself at the Quest Expo,” and submit. It may take a few minutes for you to continue and it’s right there. I’m on the discussion board. That was easy to do. There’s the discussion board after I typed in it showed up there. If I want to edit it, I’ll click on edit there. It pops up there. Then I’ll go back to my embed code. Settings, download or share it. Then. copy the embed code. Go back. Press enter then link to that. Paste the embed code, hit okay. Submit. Continue. There it is my privacy settings. I need to share it. I forgot to do that earlier. I’m going to go to privacy and allow it to be embedded anywhere then save. Let’s go back and hit refresh. You should see that on their discussion board for hopefully 7,800 people to see. What will happen is it may get deleted. If it does, that’s all right. There are a lot more Meetup groups out there. I can post to three of these groups. That gives me an opportunity to go out here and post.

I could mail out to three of these Meetup groups in a 24-hour period. That means the most I can send out in a month is 90 groups. That’s a lot of people with 90 groups if you find groups across the country that has that availability. It’s an opportunity out there for you to raise capital in other areas. All of the cities, you can go on there and find the same things as well for people that have groups or they have discussion boards for you to reach out to. If people see it and they notice on it, you all a part of Meetup groups. You don’t get notices every day, maybe you don’t look at them or when you want to look at stuff that’s a great way. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve raised capital for individual assets by posting in a group in an area like San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, Florida, Nashville or San Diego by using these simple tools to help me raise capital and often to find investors. You can put, “Here’s my presentation. Here’s the type of deals that I’m doing. Here are the types of real estate deals that I’m doing. Here are the deals that I’ve done in the last year. Here’s a small sampling of some of the deals and the case studies that we do.”

We have a question, “If you share of the deals, do you not share the addresses or just the city and state?” If you haven’t closed on the deal, don’t share the address. The city, states okay. “Here’s a deal we’re working on in Detroit, Michigan. Here’s a deal I’m working on in Flint. Here’s a deal I’m working on in Columbus.” If you’ve closed on the deal already, go ahead and share the address so people can track you down. It’s fine. If it’s a reperformer, I probably wouldn’t share the address on the reperformer. If it’s something you’ve foreclosed on, took the property back and then sold it as an REO, feel free. They’ll be able to track that. Talking to people is a great thing. That’s always good to go. You go to the actual Meetup if you can in person. Take some nice case studies with you and share it. We have a question, “Is interest only loan type common for loans of low rates 4% to 5%?” I don’t know what that’s coming from. No. Usually, you have full PITI loans at 4% to 5%. It buries it. Look at the loan docs. You can be the market machine too. This does not take long to find 7,800 investors like that. It did not take long to do it. You just have to do it. All of you can do this from 7:00 PM to 2:00 AM or during your lunch breaks if you’re working a full-time job. Do it after hours. All of you can do this.

Note Mastermind Group

We have a question, “What’s your thought on hosting small live local presentations for capital?” It’s a complete waste of time. Trying to put people in a small room, a small live presentation is not worth your time. Why would you spend three hours for five people when you could spend three hours and hit 3,000 people? The whole idea is to get them to go do something. I’ll give you a little breakdown on what we’re going to be doing here for the Note Mastermind group. We have our Note Mastermind group taking place in Cape Coral, Florida. We did this years ago. We’re going to do the same thing. We’re going to set it up. I’m going to do a lot of marketing onto local investors and local groups around Cape Coral, inviting them to a note Meetup group. If I have to, I’ll start a Meetup group online, pay for it, but then get people to opt-in to it and we’ll do direct mail blast, direct invite out to people coming out to the Cape Coral Self-Directed IRA Note Investing Group. We have 50, 80 people at it. We’ll do some wine and cheese. That’ll make sense to have that there.

If you do it for five or ten people, you might be able to get something there. Your best marketing is to share it across masses to get people to contact you and get on the phone with them. That is what most of you need to be doing. Until you’ve got a big following or do a lot of social media stuff in a local market, then you could do something like that. Most of you are going to be doing stuff out of state anyway or most of you are out of state. I would be not putting on a live and small. That’s not worth your time. Small is not worth your time. Small is taking time. I know how busy you are with your family, your kids, and other things like that. Take the time. Focus on a good PowerPoint presentation. Practice it a couple of times. Record it to video. Upload the video and then start sharing machine to share across BiggerPockets, LinkedIn, and Craigslist. You don’t have to do anything fancy. Chris Seveney didn’t close 50 deals by going and talking with all his investors’ one-on-one. He did the smart thing by marketing to people in groups, to Note CAMP and other things like that.

Eric Hyde is doing a small Meetup group locally because he’s already built a following. For the most part, he would still do better to market across different Meetup groups and different places out there to drive traffic, which is what he’s doing for his group. A Meetup group is only going to be effective if you do it for 90 days, 120 days or you can put a lot of activity into it to drive people in to join you at an event. The reason we’re doing this come December is we’re already starting to market out.. We’re going to get some great stuff out to them to help drive assets into there and get people to show up for the event for raising capital for 2019. The thing I’m sharing with you, this is all easy. It’s simple stuff to do. You have to spend the time to sit down and freaking do it. You’ve got to take the time to put a PowerPoint together.

Take the time to put it together. Take the time to record it and practice it. Maybe you do it and record it and don’t have anybody on. Before you share it, do a Facebook Live or do a live lunch and learn webinar that can email out to your database. You’re going to get much better at it the more you do it. Once you find something that’s decent, it doesn’t mean perfect but pretty decent. That’s magic. That’s sharing it. That’s what Wayne Snell did. He did 45-minute little interview about his company. He took the video and uploaded it all over BiggerPockets. All sorts of private messages to people I shared with you for raising capital and help fund his deals out there as well. It’s all I’ve done is share videos with you for years now to do it. You don’t have to be me. You can be Brady Durr. You can be Bill Griesmer. You can be Chris Seveney. You can be Gail Greenberg. You can be Gail Villanueva. You can be Jack Luiz. Whatever your focus is, that’s what you can do out there to drive traffic and drive people to get into.

We have a question, “Once you start talking to investors, how do you separate the lookie-loos from the ones ready to pull the trigger? How long should you stay on the phone? Is it okay to ask people if they’ve looked at your PowerPoint before you take the call?” I would talk on the phone. I’ll give everybody twenty, 30 minutes. Simple questions like, “Tell me about your background? What have you funded already? What have you invested in?” Talk about it, go back and forth 20, 30 minutes. If I feel that they’re wasting my time, then I’ll do something. I always tell everybody, “Here’s an investor profile sheet. Can you take the time to go ahead and fill this out and send it back to me along with your proof of funds?” I’m not going to take the proof of funds and go use it. I’m doing that as a yes. Yes, they sent an email back. Yes, they’ve taken time to fill out the investor profile sheet and send it back. Yes, they sent me a proof of funds. Those are three important yeses.

NNA 24 | Raising Private Capital

Raising Private Capital: Talking to people is always a good place to go.


There are people on a webinar who can batch. When they think it does yeses, the investors flaked. There are some people that funded that didn’t flake, they didn’t provide the stuff. The reason you ask them to send a pledge email with the investor profile sheet filled out along with proof of funds, bank statements, 401(k), stuff like that. That saves your butt in case they do flake. You can provide, “Here’s what this person provided me. I’m sorry, they flaked.” If you want to get those yeses. You don’t want to say, “We’re on the phone. Let’s jump into bed together or let’s get married,” no. “Let’s stage it a little bit. Let’s see if you can fill this out. See how you answer the questions. How do you feel about the investor profile sheet? Will you do those little things before I get in business with you?”

My Note CAMP and my Virtual Note Buying are all online. You can watch and learn from wherever you’re located. From the comfort of your own home or office, you don’t have to worry about anywhere flying. It’s live interacting like this and going from there. I want to thank all those that went and did something for me. Thank you so much to those that left a review. If you could do me a huge favor if you’ve not done this and you enjoy Note Night In America or enjoy my podcasts. Please do me a favor go to Apple Podcasts. Help me hit 100 reviews. Take five minutes to leave a review on iTunes or the website The Note Closers Show Podcast or Note Night In America Podcast. I appreciate this on iTunes or Stitcher. It helps us with that aspect of it. If you are subscribed, you’ll always be alerted when a new episode is available for you as well.

If you left me a review thank you so much. Please do me a favor. If you’re only going to leave on one, please leave it on The Note Closers Show. Help me get to 100 reviews. I’ll update the links for the Note CAMP and then also for the Virtual Note buying workshops so that they both show the prices that they say. I would love to hear about some of your successes from some of the things I’m providing marketing-wise for you. I know it works. I get them all the time from students in our Mastermind group because they’re the ones taking action. I’d love to hear from you as well, “This worked,” because I know it works. Trust me. I might know what I’m talking about when it comes to marketing. Thank you so much for joining me on the show. I’m glad to be here. Hopefully, you enjoyed it. Go out and do something. I’ll see you at the top.

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